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Executive Council Office - Corporate Services

Executive Council Office's corporate services coordinate corporate management issues, strategies and priority setting through provision of corporate programs and include the following units:

  • Communications
  • Policy and Planning
  • Human Resources
  • Finance and Administration


Executive Council Office (ECO) Communications  staff provide government-wide communication services including advertising and media relations and supports public speaking activities on behalf of Cabinet and ECO. The Communications Branch develops, leads and coordinates multi-departmental communications initiatives.

The branch also acts as secretariat for Communications Review Committee and Communications Council, as well as providing a wide variety of other corporate services, including the following: reviewing, processing and releasing all Yukon government news releases, providing media analyses to all deputy ministers and Yukon government communications staff on issues that will need government response or action to prepare for possible follow up.

Policy and Planning

ECO Policy and Planning facilitates the Cabinet decision-making process by providing advice, analysis and other services to Cabinet and its committees, and by coordinating policy development and other projects of an interdepartmental nature.

Specifically, Policy and Planning Unit works with departments directly and through the Policy Review Committee to ensure Cabinet documents are well-written, present all sides of an issue with reasonable options, and reflect both corporate and departmental interests. 

Policy and Planning provides written advice on submissions to Cabinet and provides secretariat support services to Cabinet committees. At the request of the Premier or the Deputy Minister of the Executive Council Office, Policy and Planning leads policy projects of an interdepartmental nature.

The Unit also supports the communication to departments about government priorities and tracks the progress of these initiatives.

Human Resources

The Human Resource Unit plays a key role in helping to achieve the Vision and Mission of the Executive Council Office.  While upholding strong values and ethical principles, the Unit provides leadership and support services to employees and supervisors in a broad range of human resource management functions including corporate & departmental planning and strategies, recruitment, employee relations, and training & development. We endeavor to ensure that “the right people are in the right positions with the right skills” so that branch managers can effectively meet their own unit goals and ultimately the goals of the Executive Council Office.

The Unit also provides very practical human resource related services including processing acting pay, Yu k on  Bonuses, training forms and time sheets; maintaining employee leave transactions and records; and providing information and advice on employment related matters.

In addition to supporting the Executive Council Office, the Human Resource Unit provides support to the Women’s Directorate and Cabinet Offices.

Finance and Administration

ECO’s Finance and Administration unit provides financial and operational support for the department and its branches.  All IT and asset acquisition for the Department and Cabinet offices are managed by this Unit.


Contact Us

Executive Council Office
Government of Yukon
Box 2703, A-8
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6
Phone: (867) 667-5393
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5393
Fax: (867) 393-6202

Previous Page Last Updated 20-09-2006