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Protocol Office

The Office of Protocol of the Executive Council Office advises government members and departments on official matters of national and international protocol.  We organize state and ceremonial events for visiting diplomats, heads of state, senior government representatives and other visitors.  Also, we coordinate flag, regalia and signing ceremonies and protocols for local and national events.

What is "protocol"?

Protocol is a catch-all term that refers to customs and rules of politeness and courtesy between individuals and in society.  For governments, nations, provinces and territories, protocol is a system of conventions, procedures and symbols which express their identity and facilitate relationships between them.

What does government protocol involve?

Government protocol covers such areas as official visit procedures, symbols (flags and other visual emblems, anthems, uniforms), forms of address (written and verbal), tables of precedence (the established order of people for official functions and events), state ceremonies, guidelines for hospitality, and official honours and awards.  It also includes details like guest-lists, invitations, seating plans, gifts and dress codes. International protocol is a complex system of rules and conventions which govern the relationships between nation-states and in international organizations.


Contact Us

Pamela Bangart
Chief of Protocol
Executive Council Office
Government of Yukon
Box 2703, A-8
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2C6

Phone:  (867) 667-5875
Toll free (In Yukon):
local 5875
Fax: (867) 393-6202

Previous Page Last Updated 05-09-2006