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Why invest in the Yukon?

The oil and gas industry has the potential to be a major influence in the ongoing development of Yukon’s economy.

Significant unexplored and untapped resources, longer tenure terms and a stable political and legal framework make the Yukon a unique and competitive place to do business.

In economic terms, the Yukon has a very attractive climate for oil and gas investment and development. The Yukon has a competitive regime built on the experience and proven practices of other jurisdictions. The Yukon's key advantages include:

• Progressive oil and gas legislation – the Yukon Oil and Gas Act (YOGA)

• A unique common regulatory regime jointly developed by Yukon and First Nation governments

• A generous and flexible land tenure structure with the size of dispositions maximized and length of tenure for permits greater than in other Canadian jurisdictions

• Competitive royalty rates

• A well-educated and skilled labour force with northern expertise

• A well developed infrastructure that includes communications, an extensive network of paved roads and recently expanded electrical grid

• Direct access to year-round ocean ports through Skagway and Haines, Alaska

• Pipeline access – natural gas from southeast Yukon is transported via the Duke Energy Gas Transmission Pointed Mountain Pipeline to processing facilities in British Columbia, and

• Renewed interest in northern pipelines which will provide access to gas, and tie in the Yukon’s eight sedimentary basins, allowing Yukon gas to be added to a pipeline(s)

This publication provides information on these advantages and other oil and gas matters of interest to investors.

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