Yukon Land Use Planning Council
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Weber - Indicators

Welcome to Yukon Land Use Planning Council
The Yukon Land Use Planning Council helps Government and Yukon First Nations coordinate their efforts to conduct community based regional land use planning. This planning is necessary to resolve land use and resource conflicts within Yukon's regions. The plans ensure that use of lands and resources is consistent with social, cultural, economic and environmental values. These plans will build upon the traditional knowledge and experience of the residents of each region.

Proposed Table of Contents for a Regional Land Use Plan
Council have proposed a standard Table of Contents for a Regional Land Use Plan.

The Table of Contents may be viewed here.
Draft Land Use Designation System
The purpose of this discussion paper is to provide the rationale for and present a potential strategic regional land use designation system (RLUDS) for Yukon. A strategic RLUDS is a fundamental component of any sustainable regional economic development or conservation strategy, and is a key component of an integrated resource management framework.

Get the Discussion Paper here or browse our library.
North Yukon Regional Plan Breaks Trail
The Yukon Land Use Planning Council is very excited about the prospects of the North Yukon Planning Commission producing the first land use plan for the Yukon in 2006-2007. The Council believes that this plan will do much to “break trail” for the plans that follow. All indications are that the Peel Watershed Planning Commission is proceeding with a successful planning process following the North Yukon planning model.

See our latest newsletter for more exciting news!

Regional Land Use Plans - What's In Them For You
Land use plans? What are they? What do they look like? What.s in them for me? The purpose of this workshop was to begin answering these questions. By exploring the content, products, and scope of land use plans, we begin to plan. We all know that plans contain maps, recommendations and decisions. What we don.t know yet is how those maps will be made, who the recommendations will go to, and what power those decisions will have.
Cumulative Effects Thresholds Workshop
Centre de la Francophonie, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

The current science and theory behind cumulative effects thresholds were discussed, as were potential data and implementation issues. Brief presentations focused on specific discussion topics. A major goal of this workshop was to provide an informal forum for local resource managers and agencies to discuss and critique the concepts and relevancy of the thresholds concept for Yukon. During the past four years DIAND Environment Directorate, Yukon has sponsored work on the development and use of cumulative effects thresholds in Yukon to assist in the management of wildlife species including woodland caribou. The much of the work to date has focused on woodland caribou and the use of thresholds as a human development / habitat management tool to assist in the assessment and management of potentially adverse cumulative environmental effects.

© 2000-2006 Yukon Land Use Planning Council