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FOR RELEASE     #06-190
August 15, 2006


WHITEHORSE - Twenty one applications have received almost $270,000 in Community Development funding for projects in Yukon communities.

"I am pleased the Department of Economic Development and the CDF program is supporting a wide array of community projects that will help promote healthier lifestyles," Minister Jim Kenyon said.

Projects range from improvements to the Old Crow multi-use trail to a Sport Yukon nutrition program, a community garden project in Teslin and a skating competition in Whitehorse.

The Great Northern Ski Society will also receive funding in the amount of $20,000 to replace an engine used to make snow at Mount Sima.  "The contribution the Society is getting will help us ensure we can host an extremely successful Canada Winter Games event and it will also make for some great skiing for Yukoners and all of our visitors this winter," said Dan Boyd, Society Director.

Tier 1 funding is made available for applications up to $20,000. Learn more about the Community Development Fund and how it may benefit your community projects by visiting the Yukon government website at

For more information about other Tier 1 projects approved by the Community Development Fund, please see the attached backgrounder.

Applications will be accepted for Tier 2 funding, from $20,001 to $75,000, until Sept. 15, 2006.


 Peter Carr  Mark Roberts
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Officer
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 456-3913

Tier 1 applications approved :

Arctic Edge Skating Club - $7,800 Test Event - To organize a pre-novice and novices ladies and mens competition that will be used as a test event for the Canada Winter Games as well as a test day for all Yukon skaters.  Contact: Diane Emond at 667-3203

BYTE (Bringing Youth Toward Equality) - $7,000 Web Page Development - Hire a youth and mentor to develop a website that hosts a forum for youth dialogue, provides access to relevant youth information, post the BYTE resource guide and links to other support groups. The project will create 560 hours of employment for 2 people.  Contact: Jen Jones at 667-7975

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations - $8,177 Skating Rink - To construct a skating rink on an existing asphalt base in the community of Champagne. The project will create 525 hours of employment for 6 people.  Contact: Terry Holoway at 867-634-4217

Dawson Ski Association - $16,820  Moose Mountain Parking Lot Completion & Stairs to Chalet - To cap the parking area at Moose Mountain and construct a staircase to allow easier access from the parking lot to the existing ski chalet.  Contact: Helen Dewell at (867) 993-6736

Freedom Trails Therapeutic Riding Association - $1,665 Certification Clinic & Horsemanship Course - To register two people in a Riding Instructor Certification Clinic and offer an Introduction to Horsemanship Course for volunteers. 
Contact: Judy Fortin at 633-5911

Great Northern Ski Society - $20,000  Diesel Drive Engine Unit - Replacement of the 450 hp diesel drive engine used to make snow at Mt. Sima, The project will create 120 hours of employment for 2 people.  Contact: Dan Boyd at 668-5891

Learning Disabilities Association of Yukon - $11,000  Assistive Technology Training - To conduct workshops for literacy practitioners in the effective use of new technology as a means of improving the literacy skills of Yukon learners of all ages. The project will create 120 hours of employment for 2 people.  Contact: George Green at 668-5167

MADD Whitehorse - $20,000 Ace & Mind Control - Elementary and high school students will be shown a multi-media presentation followed by a discussion period with other resource material and counselling on the consequences of drinking and driving. 
Contact: Alvin Pederson at 633-6230

Marsh Lake Local Advisory Council - $19,538  Trail Network: Phase I - The planning, mapping and writing of specs for a community wide multi-use trail that links Marsh Lake's subdivisions and its existing trails into a useable network. The project will create 120 hours of employment for 3 people.  Contact: Malcolm Taggart at 867-660-5347

Salvation Army - $9,000 Walk-in Cooler - To purchase and install a walk-in cooler for food storage in the community services building.  Contact: Robert Sessford at (867) 393-8329
Sport Yukon - $7,550 Nutrition Workshop - To provide coaches and athletes with the opportunity to learn about current practices and understanding regarding sport nutrition in order to optimize performance and prevent injury.  Contact: Trevor Twardochleb at 668-4236

Teslin Tlingit Council - $15,200 Garden & Greenhouse Project - To erect fencing and construct compost bins and garden boxes for the community garden project in Teslin. The project will create 2800 hours of employment for 5 people. 
Contact: Kelly Morris at 867-390-2532 X330

Village of Haines Junction - $20,000 Junction Overlook - Beautification of the intersection of the Alaska and Haines Highways in the community of Haines Junction. The project will create 860 hours of employment for 13 people. 
Contact: Darlene Sillery at 867-634-7127

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation - $19,626 Multi-Use Trail Upgrade - Upgrades to an existing multi-use trail within the community of Old Crow. The project will create 245 hours of employment for 4 people.  Contact: Barry Drury at 867-966-3261

White River First Nation - $19,000 Community Niceties - Construct a fence to enclose the community garden for safety and security. The project will create 720 hours of employment for 6 people.  Contact: Glenn Stephen at 867-862-7802

Yukon College - $5,820 Observation Video - To create a video of children at play that will support learning throughout the Yukon's early childhood development community. The project will create 390 hours of employment for 2 people. 
Contact: Kate Swales at 668-8794

Yukon Family Services Association - $10,440 For the Sake of Children - Design and deliver a pilot program for children whose parents are divorcing. The project will create 434 hours of employment for 2 people.  Contact: Marilyn Wolovick at 667-2970

Yukon Film Society - $8,500 Media Art Centre Improvements - To undertake renovations to leased space, creating a self-contained and secure media arts production centre for use by the society. The project will create 174 hours of employment for 4 people.
Contact: Andrew Connors at 393-3456

Yukon Quest International Association - $15,000 Brochure & Website - To promote the Quest by producing a brochure in 4 languages (French,German, Japanese and English) and expand the website to include the French language. The project will create 300 hours of employment for 5 people.  Contact: Wendy Morrison at 668-4711

Yukon Soccer Association - $4,200 Website Development - To develop a working website for the Yukon Soccer Association and all of its affiliates. The project will create 126 hours of employment for 1 person.  Contact: Kim King at 867-633-4625

Yukon Transportation Museum Society - $20,000 Neecheah Boat Conservation - To stabilize the Neecheah Boat exhibit, replace rotten materials and seal to prevent further damage. The project will create 720 hours of employment for 3 people. 
Contact: Shannon Poelman at 668-4792


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