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FOR RELEASE     #06-179
August 2, 2006


WHITEHORSE – Community infrastructure projects are among the 11 projects to be awarded a total of $483,821 Community Development Fund Tier 2 funding.

"This funding will support 11 community projects around the Yukon," Economic Development Minister Jim Kenyon said. “From improvements to a recycling centre to work on an historic Yukon riverboat, these projects offer valuable contributions to the enhancement of our community infrastructure.”

Raven Recycling Society, one of the community groups receiving support in this round of Community Development funding, received $31,446 to undertake a number of facility improvement projects that will enhance the safety and accessibility of the recycling facility.

"Support for our renovations will allow us to better serve the community," Monique Chatterton, the Education Coordinator for Raven Recycling, said. “This project will enhance the safety and accessibility of the Raven Recycling facility."

A $44,800 Community Development Fund contribution was also made to the Silver Trail Tourism Association & Chamber of Commerce for an historic restoration project in Mayo.

"We are very excited about receiving this support from the Community Development Fund," Joyce Ronaghan, the treasurer of the Silver Trail Tourism Association, said. "Restoration of the historic riverboat, The Loon, will support the continued development of the tourism industry in the Silver Trail region, and provide significant historic restoration training opportunities."

For more information about other Tier 2 projects approved by the Community Development Fund,  please see the attached backgrounder.

Tier 2 funding is made available for applications up to $75,000. Learn more about the Community Development Fund and how it may benefit your community projects by visiting the Yukon government website:


Peter Carr
Cabinet Communications Advisor
(867) 667-8688


Mark Roberts
Communications Manager
Department of Economic Development
(867) 667-5387


First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun 
Restoration Project - To continue the process of upgrading and stabilizing the Old Legion Hall.
Contact: Norma Jean Germaine at 867-996-2190

Granger Community Association
Rink Restoration - Improvements to the aging neighborhood skating rink:  paving the surface, replacing side boards, painting basketball court lines and installing basketball hoops.
Contact: Paulette Ruest at 633-3780 or cell phone 393-1259

Great Northern Ski Society
Septic System & Earth Works - Installation of a septic system and the earthwork necessary to change the grades to accommodate the new chalet.
Contact: Dan Boyd at 668-5891

Marsh Lake Solid Waste Management Society
Transfer Station/Attendant/Recycling/Pilot Project - To complete the building of a transfer station, rebuild the recycling depot and staff the facility for a six month pilot period.
Contact: Marcella Nowatzki at 867-660-6285

Raven Recycling Society
Renovations - To undertake a number of facility improvement projects that will enhance the safety and accessibility of the recycling faculty and emphasize the re-use component. 
Contact: Monique Chatterton at 667-7269

Selkirk First Nation
Youth Centre Renovations - To obtain funding for a variety of renovations at the youth centre.
Contact: Bonnie Roberts at 867-537-3331

Silver Trail Tourism Association & Chamber of Commerce
The Loon Project - To rebuild and refloat a historic riverboat at Mayo, and train several individuals in the art of historic restoration. Contact: Joyce Ronaghan at 867-996-2290

Village of Teslin
Boardwalk Project - To construct a trail system and tie-in with existing boardwalks within the community of Teslin.
Contact: Wes Wirth at 867-390-2530

White River First Nation
Community Cultural History - Provide skill training in archaeology, oral history, and traditional lifeways research and enhance our understanding of WRFN's history and culture by development of public interpretive materials.
Contact: Sid Vandermeer at 867-862-7802

Yukon Arts Centre Corporation
2006 Art Exquinox Festival - Local Yukon artists will showcase their work to the Performance Creation Canada Conference in Whitehorse September 23 to October 1, 2006. 
Contact: Chris Dray at 667-8577

Yukon Arts Centre Corporation
Program Equipment Project - In 2006, the Yukon Arts Centre plans to invest $150,000 in capital program equipment to improve services to artists, user groups and audiences. 
Contact: Chris Dray at 667-8577

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