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Yukon Graduation Requirements

Yukon follows the British Columbia Program of Studies, and subsequently the BC requirements for secondary school graduation. Successful completion of a graduation-level educational program is recognized through the awarding of a Yukon Secondary School Graduation Certificate. There are three distinct graduation programs leading to a Graduation Certificate: the 1995 graduation program, the 2004 graduation program, and the adult graduation program. A French version of the Graduation Certificate is issued to students who meet requirements for the Programme Francophone or French Immersion.

School completion certificates, are provided to recognize the accomplishments of students who have succeeded in meeting goals of their educational program other than graduation, and are especially intended to recognize the accomplishments of students with special needs who complete the goals and objectives stated in their Individual Education Plan.

Who is on the 1995 graduation program?

Students who entered Grade 10 before July 1, 2004 are on the 1995 graduation program. To graduate, these students must earn a minimum of 52 credits, which includes Foundation Studies (minimum 28 credits) and Selected Studies (minimum 24 credits). Selected Studies are additional courses chosen by students to support their academic, career, or personal interests. This program will no longer be available for students after July 2006.

Who is on the 2004 graduation program?

Students who entered Grade 10 on or after July 1, 2004, are on the 2004 graduation program. In order for these students to graduate, they must earn a minimum of 80 credits, which includes Required Courses (minimum 48 credits), Elective Credits (minimum 28 credits), and Graduation Portfolio Assessment (4 credits). Elective Credits are additional credits earned by students to support their academic, career, or personal interests.

1995 Graduation Program
For students, who were in grades 10 & 11 during the 2003/2004 school year
2004 Graduation Program
For students, who entered grade 10 during the 2004/2005 school year, grade 11 in 2005/2006, or grade 12 in 2006/07.
Grades 11-12 Grades 10-12
52 credits (equivalent to 13, 4-credit courses) required for graduation 80 credits (equivalent to twenty 4-credit courses) required for graduation
28 of 52 credits must be in Foundation Studies, including: (excludes locally developed courses)
Language Arts 11 (4 credits)
Language Arts 12 (4 credits)
Social Studies 11 or BC First Nations Studies 12 (4 credits)
Mathematics 11 or 12 (4 credits)
Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
Fine Arts 11 (2 credits)
Applied Skills 11 (2 credits)
Career/Personal Planning 11 (2 credits)
Career/Personal Planning 12 (2 credits)
48 credits are Required Courses, including:
Language Arts 10 (4 credits)
Language Arts 11 (4 credits)
Language Arts 12 (4 credits)
Social Studies 10 (4 credits)
Social Studies 11, Canadian Civics 11 or BC First Nations Studies 12 (4 credits)
Science 10 (4 credits)
Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
Mathematics 10 (4 credits)
Mathematics 11 or 12 (4 credits)
Physical Education 10 (4 credits)
Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits)
Planning 10 (4 credits)
  4 credits for Portfolio Assessment
24 credits in Selected Studies , (up to 8 of which can be from locally developed courses) 28 credits are Elective Courses
Minimum of 16 credits of ministry developed courses at the Grade 12 level, including Language Arts 12 for 4 credits Minimum of 16 credits at the Grade 12 level including Language Arts 12. All Ministry-authorized and Board/Authority-Authorized courses count.

For further information regarding course options for each specific graduation requirement, including course availability for Selected Study/Elective courses, students should contact their school counselor.

A complete listing of courses which meet required and elective courses, please refer to the Course Information handbook, which can be found at


Contact Us

Student Information and Assessment
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-3707
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 3707
Fax: (867) 667-5876


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