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Dawson City Pre-Employment Program

Pre-Employment Programs Open Doors

A pre-employment carpentry program at Yukon College in Dawson City is opening doors, thanks to funding from Community Training Funds.

Community Training Funds - Photo © Government of YukonPeople who have little or no trade experience but who are interested in participating in apprenticeship training programs may wish to consider attending a pre-employment program. These programs are generally a combination of classroom and hands-on technical training. They are designed to provide students with the basic entry level knowledge and hands-on skills required by most industry employers.

Eldo Enns, Campus Coordinator at Yukon College's Dawson City campus says the pre-employment carpentry program is a great route for people who are interested in the trades but don't have any connections to get their foot in the door.

“Pre-employment programs give people an opportunity to get into a trade—people who may well not have an opportunity or a way to begin their training. You don’t have to have an uncle it the trades already who will hire you if you take this pre-employment program,” said Enns.

There are twelve students enrolled in Dawson City's carpentry pre-employment program. Four of the students are women and two of the students are high school students who are getting credit towards their high school graduation by taking this pre-employment program.

Mindy Potoroka is a student in the pre-employment program:

“The program gives me the skills to enter into the workforce. I can see myself working in construction next summer. Every woman should have experience in the trades. I love working with my hands, and while the work might seem intimidating sometimes, it’s incredibly rewarding to do your own work.”

After the 5 month program is finished, the students can challenge the level I apprentice exam.

Community Training Funds Pages

Community Training Funds Overview
Fund Details

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