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Heritage Workers Preserve Our Culture

The Heritage Training Fund was established in 2003 to advance the professional capacity of our heritage sector workers.

"I see the Heritage Training Fund as an important investment because preserving our heritage is an important part of celebrating the Yukon," said Brent Slobodin, Director of Labour and Market Programs and Services with the Department of Education, "There is an art to preserving and maintaining artifacts and without that knowledge, important parts of Yukon history could be lost."

Steam Locomotive Conservation - Photo © Government of YukonThe Heritage Training Fund has funded 17 training projects over the last year such as: community cultural stewardship, exhibit designs, new media skills for heritage/cultural content, large artifact lifting and steam locomotive conservation.

Yukon's heritage workers will enhance their capacity to obtain and create employment through the Heritage Training Fund. In addition to the obvious benefits to individuals, prospective employers will be provided with a better equipped heritage labour force.

Greg Skuce is a successful applicant to the Heritage Training Fund.

"In my case, it was an example of good government at work. I had commented during a recent Yukon Museum Strategy review that I wished for more accessible funding for training and upgrading and my wish came true."

Through funding from Heritage Training Fund, Skuce recently acquired skills at a course in handling and moving large artifacts. The course was held at Maryland State Archaeological Laboratory and Skuce attended this course with peers from such esteemed heritage institutions as the Smithsonian Institute and the Boston Museum of Fine Art.

Skuce notes, "I have already started using my new found skills moving items around the MacBride Museum. I've done some work at the Transportation Museum, and at the George Johnston Museum in Teslin, and I continue to work on the Dawson locomotives."

Community Training Funds Pages

Community Training Funds Overview
Fund Details

Contact Us 

Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5455
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5455
Fax: (867) 667-8555

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 07-03-2005