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Literacy Action Committee

Leaders in Community Literacy

The Teslin Tlingit Council Daycare is a hotspot for literacy thanks to funding from Community Training Funds. The daycare was recently selected by the Literacy Action Committee for its outstanding literacy program.

Children at Daycare - Photo © Government of YukonThe daycare’s After School Reading Program is a child-delivered program. Children in grades 3-9, come to the daycare after school to read to the preschoolers. The volunteer readers receive a small honourarium at the end of the school year if they fulfill their responsibilities to the After School Reading Program.

"This program is so popular that we have waiting lists of school children wanting to read to the kids at the daycare. The older kids will come in for an hour and half and do a variety of activities with the younger ones: reading, literacy games, looking at pictures just as a way of encouraging conversation. It's all about building vocabulary," said Patti Wiseman, Manager of the Teslin Tlingit Council Daycare.

While the program benefits the preschoolers immensely, its benefits extend to the older children as well. "There's a process involved in signing up the older kids for the program. They sign a contract that says they have to come when they say they will, and they have to call us if they can't make it. I think it develops accountability," said Wiseman, "They get practice reading too... and they see how the younger kids look up to them."

In addition to the After School Reading Club, the daycare also operates a library for parents out of the Teslin Tlingit Council Daycare.

"Literacy is building block for lifelong learning," said Education Minister, John Edzerza, "Ensuring families have strong literacy skills will not only be a benefit to them, it will make for stronger, healthier communities."

Community Training Funds Pages

Community Training Funds Overview
Fund Details

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