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Women Explore Trades Careers

With support from the Community Training Funds, Women in Trades and Technology (WITT) encourages women to explore trades as a career option.

Women Explore Trades Careers - Photo © Government of Yukon"There are two basic facts. One, Canada and the Yukon are facing serious labour market shortages in skilled trades. Two, there are relatively few women in these fields," said Betty Irwin, WITT Coordinator.

"We can meet this demand for skilled trades workers by encouraging more women to start a rewarding and well-paying career in the trades," she said.

WITT offers introductory courses for adults in carpentry, painting, electrical, welding and sheet metal. They also hold an annual conference and school-based workshops for young women.

A silver smithing course offered in the spring filled up very quickly and left 30 people on the waiting list, prompting another course offering this fall.

"A lot of women are interested in trades work. Through a hands-on introduction we encourage them to pursue further training or an apprenticeship program," Irwin said.

Community Training Funds Pages

Community Training Funds Overview
Fund Details

Contact Us 

Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

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