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Student Assessment Programs

Yukon schools began implementing a new assessment plan in the 1999-2000 school year. This plan represents a coherent and comprehensive testing strategy that will provide a good check of our educational system in terms of students’ learning in the two key areas of education: numeracy and literacy. Students will be assessed at important transition points in their school career - the completion of primary, intermediate, junior and secondary years. Testing will refer to the Yukon curriculum and therefore be based on what should have been taught and learned.

This plan will make it possible for the Department of Education to meet its public accountability obligations by monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the curriculum and student learning. The information provided by the plan’s comprehensive package of testing also enables the Department to guide curricular renewal and adaptation.

Mandatory Assessments

Assessment Program (Mandated) Grades Involved
Yukon Achievement Tests (YAT) Grades 3, 6 and 9 (Math)
Grades 3, 6 and 9 (Language Arts)
B.C. Provincial Exams (BCP) Grade 12 (various subjects)
B.C. Provincial Exams (BCP) Grade 10 Math, Science & English
Language Proficiency Index (LPI) Grade 11 & 12 (Language Arts)

In addition to requiring a certain number of assessments at key grades, the Department, in response to teachers’ ongoing requests for high quality assessment materials to use in their classroom, is making available an optional assessment resource: the Classroom Assessment Materials Project (CAMP). The CAMP materials are curriculum-referenced and therefore provide teachers with information on how well their students are learning what they are being taught according to the curriculum.

Further Information

Further information about each assessment can be found through the links on the left, and in the Information Guide provided below. Results of each of the assessments is contained in the Department of Education, Public Schools Branch Annual Report.

If you have further questions about the Student Assessment Program, please contact: Coordinator, Student Information and Assessment at 667-3707.


Contact Us

Student Information and Assessment
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-3707
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 3707
Fax: (867) 667-5876


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