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Reading Recovery

What is Reading RecoveryTM?

Reading RecoveryTM is an early intervention program for six year old, Grade One students who need additional support learning to read and write. In the Yukon, Reading RecoveryTM is part of an early intervention initiative of the Department of Education. Reading RecoveryTM supplements regular classroom instruction. It is designed to give children who are having difficulty learning to read and write another chance to take on literacy. The program is based on intensive classroom research into the process of how children learn to read and write.

Reading RecoveryTM students learn strategies that help them become independent readers and writers who can participate fully in their regular classroom program. Most students achieve this goal in 12 to 20 weeks.

Reading RecoveryTM teachers are experienced classroom educators who have taken a year-long training program with a Teacher Leader.

How are Reading RecoveryTM students selected?

At the beginning of the school year, children are selected for Reading RecoveryTM on the basis of classroom teachers' judgment and the results of an observation survey.

The six tasks observed in the survey are:

  • letter identification
  • word identification
  • concepts about print
  • writing vocabulary
  • hearing sounds in words
  • text reading

What happens in a Reading RecoveryTM lesson?

In the first two weeks of the program, the teacher observes what the child already knows. This becomes the foundation for instruction.

Each Reading RecoveryTM lesson is one-on one -- and is based on the teacher's observation of the child's progress.

The 30-minute lesson includes:

  • reading of familiar books
  • re-reading yesterday's new book and taking a running record
  • working with letters and/or words
  • writing a message or story
  • rearranging a cut up story
  • introducing and reading a new book

The Reading RecoveryTM lesson is one part of the child's literacy program. It supports the work in the regular classroom.

Reading RecoveryTM has two positive outcomes:

#1: The program continues until the child develops an effective processing system and can work independently with the support of regular classroom instruction.

#2: A recommendation is made for additional assessment. School staff members collaborate to plan future learning opportunities for the child.

What can parents do to support their child in Reading RecoveryTM?

Parents and guardians play a crucial role in their child's literacy learning. They ensure their child is at school every day, well rested and ready to learn. Each evening the parent listens to the child read familiar books and the message he/she has composed during the Reading RecoveryTM lesson. This shared participation in early learning builds fluency, enthusiasm, and self confidence in young students.

The following are points to think about while working with your child at home:

  • Be consistent. Create a routine for homework --same time, same place.
  • Be positive. Focus on what your child can do and celebrate it. Enjoy your child's growing skills and praise them specifically.
  • Be a model. Let your child see you reading and writing in your daily life.
  • Read to your child. Enjoy books together - books you like and books about things that interest your child.
  • Talk about books. Discuss how they make you feel, what they remind you of, what they make you wonder about.

How is Reading RecoveryTM working in the Yukon?

Reading RecoveryTM was introduced into eight Yukon schools in 1997 and has expanded to twenty schools since then.

Comments about the Reading RecoveryTM program


  • Although life does not come with any guarantees, we believe J.'s future success will be, in part, because of the success of the Reading RecoveryTM Program. And as parents, it's nice to know that J. is now on a even playing field with some of his peers.
  • As a parent, with a child who was struggling with reading, I don't know what I would have done without the assistance from the Reading RecoveryTM Program. This program has helped K. so much that, at times, I can feel a lump in my throat because I feel so happy that "MY CHILD CAN NOW READ."


  • These students, who had very limited skills when they entered grade one, are now reading close to or at grade level. I know I could never have met the needs of these students on my own and truly appreciate the effective help offered by the reading recovery teacher


  • Reading RecoveryTM is the most accountable, demanding, intense, detailed inservice course I have ever been a part of.

For further information about Reading RecoveryTM:

Contact the Reading RecoveryTM teacher at your child's school or contact:

Yukon Reading RecoveryTM Centre
c/o Christ the King Elementary School
20 Nisutlin Drive
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 3S5

Phone: (867) 393-7192
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 7192
Fax: (867) 393-6414


Contact Us

Yukon Reading RecoveryTM Centre
c/o Christ the King Elementary School
20 Nisutlin Drive
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 3S5

Phone: (867) 393-7192
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 7192
Fax: (867) 393-6414

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 07-03-2005