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Speech & Language Services

There are several types of speech and language problems that can develop in students at any age.

When these problems affect their ability to learn at school, they may need the services of a speech-language pathologist.

Here are some examples of problems that could indicate a student needs this assistance:

  • difficulties understanding common words, following directions and understanding different sentence structures;
  • trouble finding words, forming correct sentences and expressing ideas;
  • difficulties starting conversations, asking for clarification and staying on topic;
  • problems pronouncing the correct sounds in words;
  • the misuse or abuse of the voice - for example, using a voice that is too harsh or hoarse; or
  • stuttering in a manner that interferes with communication.

Referring students for speech-language services

Parents who have concerns about their child's speech and language should discuss this with the child's teacher.

The student may be referred to the School Based Team. The team includes the student's teachers, a school administrator, a learning assistance teacher and a school counsellor. It may also include the parents, the student (where appropriate), consultants from the Department of Education and representatives from other community services.

The team focuses on strategies to meet the student's needs at school.

As part of this work, it may refer the student to a speech-language pathologist.

Speech-language Services

School speech-language pathologists deliver a variety of services:

  • they aid school staff in identifying students with speech and language difficulties;
  • they consult with teachers and School Based Teams to identify goals, strategies and resources to assist students;
  • they work with students directly to improve their speech and language skills; and
  • they provide professional development for teachers in the areas of speech and language.

For more information:

Special Programs Division
Department of Education
Phone: (867) 667-8000
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0408


Contact Us

Special Programs
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-8000
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 8000
Fax: (867) 393-6423

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 07-03-2005