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Conservation Action Team


CAT logoThe Conservation Action Team is a summer camp program for Yukon students in Grades 6-9. It offers outdoor adventure, learning about the environment, and hands-on conservation work. The Action Team is a mobile program, and participants travel to different parts of the Yukon for 7-10 days.

Get an application for the Conservation Action Team:

  • by downloading here (PDF,132Kb)
  • at Department of Environment offices throughout the Yukon
  • from school guidance counsellors
  • at the Inquiry Centre in the main Government of Yukon building in Whitehorse
  • or by calling 667-8005 in Whitehorse, or 1-800-661-0408 elsewhere
  • Job opportunity for eligible post secondary students! Two positions are available as CAT Camp Assistants.
    Info here

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who can be in the Team?
    Any Yukon boy or girl going into Grade 7-10 in September 2006 (i.e. in Grade 6-9 this spring) may apply. You also have to be willing and physically capable of doing strenuous outdoor activity.

    What will I be doing if I join the Team?
    Adventure: Since Team activities will be all outdoors, you'll be learning how to camp safely and comfortably. You'll also learn and use outdoor skills like canoeing, map and compass, first aid and photography. Each Team will do a wilderness trip in a remote area of the Yukon. Through fun, hands-on activities, you'll be learning about: ecology, wildlife management, plants and animals, mining, agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing, trapping and First Nations views of the environment. Conservation Work: Each team may take on a service project such as assisting biologists with field work, doing cleanup or helping a farmer.

    canoes photoHow long are the camps and when are they?
    There are two levels and program lengths for the CAT program:
    Cheechako I (going into Grade 7-8) June 19 - 26, 2006 (8 days)
    Cheechako II (going into Grade 7-8) July 10 - July 17, 2006 (7 days)
    Sourdough (going into Grade 9-10) Aug 7 -  Aug 16, 2006 (10 days)

    Each team has 11 participants (with a balance of boys and girls) and three qualified instructors.

    Is there a camp fee?
    Participants are required to pay a fee to help cover expenses. The cost is $50.00 for Cheechako camps and $100.00 for the Sourdough session. If you and your parents are unable to pay this amount, subsidies may be available! Call for more information.

    Do I need lots of fancy equipment?
    No. Tents, sleeping bags, rain coats, rain pants, backpacks and other equipment are supplied. All you'll need is warm, durable clothes, a few personal items, and some sturdy footwear. (We'll send you a list).

    I live in a rural community. Can I be in the program?
    Of course. All eligible Yukon youth are encouraged to apply, from Old Crow to Watson Lake. In fact, some spaces on the Team are reserved for students outside Whitehorse. Sessions usually start in Whitehorse. Depending on our trip route, we may be able to pick you up along the way, or if the cost to get you to Whitehorse is especially high (eg. Old Crow) we may be able to help cover your travel costs.

    Who leads the Team?
    Each Team has one experienced leader and two summer student assistant instructors. They have considerable outdoor experience and are fully certified in first aid and emergency rescue techniques. Instructors are chosen for their ability to lead a safe, fun and educational adventure program. Guest resource people are also on hand from time-to-time to give instruction in their field of expertise.

    mountains photoHow do I apply?
    An application form (PDF) is available on-line here, at any Department of Environment office, and at the Inquiry Centre at the main Government of Yukon office in Whitehorse. You will need to fill in general information, and a Statement of Interest in which you outline why you want to be in the program. Your parents will also sign a permission form. You will also have to ask a prominent member of your community to "nominate" you through a Nomination Form.

    How are Team members selected?
    All applications are screened by a special committee of teachers and Environment Yukon employees. Selection is based on a Statement of Interest and the content of the Nomination Form. Before final confirmation of acceptance into the Action Team, applicants will have to submit a medical form. This is to ensure that Team leaders are aware of any medical concerns that may affect the program activities.

    For further information contact:
    Youth Programs Coordinator
    Conservation Officer Services Branch
    Yukon Department of Environment
    Phone:(867) 667-3041
    Toll free(in Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 3041
    Fax: (867) 393-6206

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 27-03-2006