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Wilderness Travel

Canada's Yukon, the land that inspired Robert Service and Jack London. Perhaps it has inspired you too, and now you'd like to step into the wilderness they described so well.

The Yukon is a true wilderness. Vast areas are completely undeveloped, and most of the territory is outside of cellular telephone range. If you plan to go out into the backcountry, you're going to be a long way from help, so it's important that you bring along the right gear. And if you run into any difficulties, you'll have to rely on your own judgment, just like the characters Service and London wrote about. In many ways, your wilderness travels will be similar to the journeys of the old-time prospectors, trappers and First Nation peoples. But there are some important differences.

Jack London didn't need a license to fish or hunt. You do. You'll also have to follow the laws that apply to fishing, hunting and using the land. And you'll be expected to travel through the backcountry leaving few signs of your passage. If you do these things you'll earn the respect, and appreciation, of the people who call this land home. So go ahead and plan the wilderness journey you've been dreaming about.

Environment Yukon has published a booklet, Into the Yukon Wilderness, that provides clear and simple guidelines to follow as you plan your backcountry trip. It is available in many formats. You can read it on-line or download a PDF file.

Into the Yukon Wilderness (English - PDF 586 Kb)

Dans la nature sauvage du Yukon (Français - PDF 577 Kb)

Die Wildnis des Yukon (Deutsch - PDF 979 Kb)

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 28-04-2006