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Student Financial Assistance

 To give yourself a lot of options in today's workforce, education beyond high school is highly desirable. For the vast majority of Yukoners, electing to pursue your education beyond high school can be a very expensive decision - travel costs, tuition, books, and accommodation. Although you are primarily responsible for paying for your own education, this guide will assist you to access funds that may make it more affordable.

The Student Financial Assistance Unit has a variety of programs available to assist you financially in your studies. Program information updates will be made by April for the new academic year. Click on the links to the left for more information.

Help Us Help You!

Make sure you have filled out all sections of the appropriate application form.   Complete it in pen (not pencil), and include the proper documentation.  If you are not sure, please give us a call.  If your application is incomplete it will be returned to you for completion and delay the processing of your financial assistance or cause missed deadlines.

Did You Know?

The Yukon Government has implemented changes to the Yukon Hire Policy that benefits students who have received the Yukon Grant to assist with post secondary studies. These changes recognize that after graduation many students wish to attain practical work experience outside Yukon before returning home to the territory. To accommodate and support this need, changes to the Yukon Hire Policy on Yukon Government positions has been implemented. Students, who after graduation, decide not to return to the Yukon will still retain their local residency status for up to five years.

In practice, this means that if a Yukon Grant recipient chooses to live and work outside Yukon after graduation, he or she will still be able to apply for Yukon Government jobs and be given priority as a local resident for a period of up to five years.

If you have questions on this change to the Yukon Hire Policy please contact: Public Service Commission at 667-5653 To give yourself a lot of options in today's workforce, education beyond high school is highly desirable. For the vast majority of Yukoners, electing to pursue your education beyond high school can be a very expensive decision - travel costs, tuition, books, and accommodation. Although you are primarily responsible for paying for your own education, this guide will assist you to access funds that may make it more affordable.

The Student Financial Assistance Unit has a variety of programs available to assist you financially in your studies. Program information updates will be made by April for the new academic year. Click on the links to the right for more information.


Click on picture to find out
how to start saving for your
child's education





Student Financial Assistance
Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5929
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5929
Fax: (867) 667-8555

Contact Names:


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 17-03-2006