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School Bus Safety


  1. Passing a school bus when it is stopped with its red lights flashing puts students getting on and off buses in danger—it is also illegal.
  2. When you are driving your vehicle, you must stop when school buses are stopped on the road and have their red lights flashing, even if you are driving in the oncoming lane.
  3. Drivers who don’t stop for school buses face a fine of $200 and 5 demerit points on their license.
  4. Drivers should be particularly careful during ice fog and extreme weather conditions, when visibility of students coming and going from school buses is limited.


Getting on the bus safely

  1. Be at the bus stop on time. Never run to or from the bus.
  2. Wait at the designated stop in a safe place well back from the side of the road.
  3. Remember the danger zone around the bus. The danger zone is anywhere close enough to the bus to touch it. The bus driver cannot see you when you are in the danger zone.
  4. If you cross the street to get on the bus: when the bus comes, wait until it has come to a complete stop. The bus driver will make sure all the traffic stops. The stop arm will be out and the red lights will be flashing. Watch the driver. When the driver knows it is safe, he or she will signal you to cross, but watch for traffic yourself. Walk, don't run.
  5. Hold the hand rail as you get on the bus. Don't push or shove.

Riding the bus safely

  1. Take your seat promptly and sit properly, facing forward at all times.
  2. Hold bags and parcels in your lap. Do not stick your feet into the aisle as you may trip someone.
  3. Keep your head and arms—everything—inside the bus. Don't throw anything out the windows or around in the bus.
  4. Talk quietly, as the driver must concentrate to drive the bus safely.
  5. Save snacks for snack time at school or until you get home. They may spill or you may choke if the bus goes over a big bump. Some students have allergies and can’t be exposed to certain foods.
  6. No fighting, shouting or playing in or around the bus.
  7. Always follow the bus driver's instructions.

Leaving the bus safely

  1. When you leave the bus, hold the handrail and take two large steps away from the bus.
  2. To cross the street in front of the bus, walk ahead at least ten giant steps (three metres). Cross only when the driver gives a signal. Cross the street in single file.
  3. If you drop something near the bus, don't pick it up. Tell the driver or other adult.
  4. If everyone is getting off the bus, the people at the front leave first. Do not push.

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 31-07-2006