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Thanks for Taking Our Survey

Over 250 people provided feedback on YuWIN's current and possible new services, recruiting employees, and looking for work in the Yukon.  Read the results here.

A big thank you to all our exhibitors and attendees at the 2013 Education, Career and Volunteer Expo who contributed to the event’s success!

On October 10th, over 800 people visited 49 booths showcasing key employers, community organizations, and educational institutions.  Many exhibitors and attendees provided valuable feedback on the event, which will inform planning for the next Education, Career and Volunteer Expo.

The 2013 Education, Career and Volunteer Expo was made possible through generous support from Grande Prairie Regional College (Diamond Sponsor), Northwestel and Association franco-yukonnaise (Gold Sponsors), University of Lethbridge (Bronze Sponsor), and Yukon Energy.

 The event was jointly presented by Volunteer Bénévoles Yukon, YuWIN, and Yukon College. 



Yukon Career Profile Spotlight

Glenys Baltimore owns and manages a Whitehorse restaurant called The Chocolate Claim. 

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