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Financial Assistance for Yukon Registered Apprentices

Yukon apprentices do not pay for tuition during the in-class component of their training.

Apprentices are usually required to pay for student association fees, material fees and books required by the institution they attend. A $200 book allowance is available to apprentices for each in-class session they attend during their apprenticeship training.

The following support may also be available from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada for apprentices during the in-class component of their training:

Dependent care:

Support may be available to assist with the cost of supervised care.


All apprentices are eligible for a $20 weekly commuting allowance for actual weeks of training only.

If the apprentice has to travel more than 40km total daily to get to and from school. The rate of mileage is $0.245/km. This support is not available if apprentices are living away from their home.

Living away from home (maintaining a second residence):

If an apprentice is maintaining a permanent residence and paying for a second residence while on the course, they may qualify for $200/week if the second residence is in Yukon or $170/week if the second residence is in Alberta.

Travel support:

Support is also available to help with return transportation costs between home and school. This support is based on mileage of $0.245/km. If you are driving to the location where you will receive your training, you may claim up to 3 overnight stays at $72/night (each way).

Weekly income support:

As a Yukon registered apprentice, you will normally qualify for Employment Insurance while you are away from work completing the in-class component of your training (contact the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada apprentice counselors in Whitehorse for more information or visit No apprentice will receive less than the EI rate determined to be the average amount currently paid to apprentices on claim.

Disability support:

Support may be provided if an apprentice is disabled and needs specials arrangements or a device to participate in a course. “Disabled” means having any persistent physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory or learning impairment.

IMPORTANT: As EI payments and other allowance funds often take a number of weeks to process, apprentices must be prepared to have sufficient funds of their own to travel to classes and to support themselves for the full length of their course until their funding support arrives. It is important that apprentices know that they should be saving during their time at work to ensure that they are able to attend scheduled schooling.


Contact Us 

Apprenticeship and Tradesperson Qualifications
Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5298
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5298
Fax: (867) 667-8555


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