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Aber Scholarships

Award Amount: $25,000 for four years (2)
Payable in 2 - $5,000 instalments in first year (fall and winter semesters) and $5,000 per year in each of second, third and fourth year.
  • Have accepted an offer of admission to or be enrolled in the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto;
  • Be residents of the Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut at the time of application for admission to the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program;
  • Have completed a portion of their high school education in the Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut.
Provided by: Aber Resources Ltd. Through the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program
Apply to: All candidates who meet the criteria will automatically be considered for the Aber Scholarships. In the event there are more than two qualifying applicants in a given year consideration will be given to academic achievement.
Documents Req: None
Deadline Date: None


Student Financial Assistance
Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5929
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5929
Fax: (867) 667-8555

Contact Names:


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