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Yukon Excellence Awards

How Do I Qualify For An Excellence Award?

Students earn Yukon Excellence Awards solely through their academic performance at the secondary school level. All students, who write and achieve 80% or better on Yukon Achievement Tests and certain B.C. Provincial examinations are eligible for an award. The Department of Education will notify you if you earn an award.

What Can I Use the Award For?

You may use your award towards payment or reimbursement of tuition, compulsory fees, and book costs incurred for studying at a post-secondary institution.

Are There Any Conditions To Be Met?

Yes, to redeem awards students must meet the eligibility requirements under the Student Financial Assistance Act, Section 6 (these requirements are outlined under the Yukon Grant section, i.e. Dependent Student, Independent Student, and New Resident Student).

How Do I Access My Yukon Excellence Award?

First you must complete the Student Financial Assistance Application form, and then choose from the following two methods to access your Awards:

  • Students can pay tuition, fee and book costs and submit a copy of the receipts for reimbursement, and/or
  • If the institution permits, students can request the post-secondary institution to prepare an invoice for tuition, fee and book costs and send the invoice to our office for payment. The invoice must not be more than the amount you are eligible for.

Yukon Student Financial Assistance Application Form pdf file (PDF)

This form is provided on-line in PDF format. Help on viewing PDF files is available. Paper forms are available from the Student Financial Assistance office.

Is There A Deadline Date For Applications?

You may apply at anytime during the school year to access your awards, however, you must redeem your awards within 10 years after leaving high school.

How Do I Find Out If My Yukon Excellence Award Application Is Approved?

Once your application has been approved, a letter will be sent to you and the institution you are attending indicating how much you will be receiving.

How Much Will I Receive?

The amount paid will not be greater than the total value of your awards you have earned. The value of the awards not used can be used for future year's tuition, compulsory fees and book costs.

When Will I Get My Money?

All completed applications are assessed on a first-come, first-serve basis, so the earlier you get your application in, the earlier your money will reach the institution.

Where Is My Money Sent?

For students who choose the reimbursement option, your cheque will be mailed to the financial aid office of the institution you are attending. For students who request an invoice be sent to the Department for payment, the invoice will be paid directly to the institution.

Do I Pay Income Tax On My Yukon Excellence Awards?

Yes, the awards are considered income, therefore, the Federal Government requires you to claim the amount received. Please keep us informed of your permanent home address for T4A forms. For information on education deductions for income tax purposes, please contact Revenue Canada.

Do The Awards Have To Be Paid Back?

No, once the awards have been issued, you will not be required to pay back any of the money you were eligible to receive.


Student Financial Assistance
Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5929
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5929
Fax: (867) 667-8555

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Last names starting with L-Z:

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 03-05-2005