Yukon Legislation

Statutes and Regs Index of Regulations TPS 2003 Bar Exam Help Contact


UNCONSOLIDATED STATUTES NOT IN FORCE RSY 2002 STATUTES NOT CONSOLIDATED BY THE REVISED STATUTES OF YUKON, 2002 This list of statutes includes all the statutes of the Yukon Territory, or provisions of them, that were enacted before December 31, 2002 and which had not been proclaimed in force by that date.
198222Land Planning and Development ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
19922Economic Development Acts. 19 to be proclaimed in force
199210Public Government Acts. 1-12, 94 and 98 to be proclaimed in force
19988Act to amend the Family Property and Support Acts. 10 to be proclaimed in force
199916Fireweed Fund ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
199921Act to amend the Supreme Court ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
20007Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
200012Enforcement of Canadian Judgements and Decrees ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
200111Act to amend the Trustee ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
200112Perpetuities and Accumulations Repeal ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
200117Act to amend the Funeral Directors ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
200119Interjurisdictional Support Orders ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force
200123Physiotherapists ActWhole Act to be proclaimed in force