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Info for Media Reps

Information for Journalists and Audiovisual Operators
on News Services at the Holy See

Accreditation to the Vatican Press Office:

Journalists and audiovisual operators can apply on-line for accreditation to cover events at the Vatican through the web-site of the Holy See News Services

Listed below are some of the other features that you will find on the Holy See News Services site:

Bollettino Daily Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office:
N.B. Vatican news releases are mainly in Italian; plurilingual publications and speeches also available. Archives also available.

V.I.S. Vatican Information Service (V.I.S.)
Plurilingual news bulletin digest and daily information on magisterial and pastoral activities of the Holy See (free subscription also available)

Documentation Documentation on the Holy See
Plurilingual background information

CTV Vatican Television Centre (CTV)
CTV offers assistance and facilities to foreign correspondents (TV crews, video and audio assistance, satellite broadcasts, editing facilities).
On request by international TV networks, CTV can coordinate satellite link-ups in order to relay video signals anywhere in the world.
CTV can be reached at:
Tel: +39-06-6988-5467 or +39-06-6988-5233
Fax: +39-06-6988-5192
E-mail: (Office) or (Video-Archive)
Check CTV's web pages for information on other services.

Vatican Radio Vatican Radio:
Radio broadcasters interested in Vatican Radio programmes or link-ups to radio coverage of papal celebrations can contact Vatican Radio’s Bureau for International Relations at: or by fax at: +39-06-6988-3237