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CANADEM is a non-profit agency dedicated to advancing international peace and security through the recruitment, screening, promotion and rapid mobilization of Canadian expertise.

CANADEM’s most recent election observation mission was the Haitian National elections. CANADEM was proud to support both IMMHE (International Mission for Monitoring Haitian Elections) and MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti). Our long term observers spent 8 months in Haiti observing government officials prepare for elections which would ultimately take three rounds to complete. 25 long term observers participated in the election for IMMHE. For each of the first two rounds of the election CANADEM sent 106 short term observers. Hailed as a success, CANADEM is proud to have played a part in this mission.

CANADEM reinforces a key component of Canada's multilateralism - positioning the best Canadian experts to advance the building of international peace and security.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

For further information contact:

CANADEM, 1 Nicholas (#1102), Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7,
tel: 613-789-3328 , fax: 613-789-6125
email: canadem @

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