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NCEs in the News

October 3 to November 1, 2006

1. ArcticNet

  • L'Actualité – November 1, 2006 – Scientific Director Louis Fortier and Network Manager Martin Fortier, along with ArcticNet Network Investigators Yves Bégin and Eric Dewailly, are quoted in an article that discusses ArcticNet, arctic climate change and the arctic funding situation in Canada.
  • above&beyond – Sept./Oct. 2006 issue – An article appears entitled "Living with climatic and environmental change in Nunavut," by James Ford, an ArcticNet Ph.D. student. ArcticNet is mentioned in the acknowledgements.
  • Winnipeg Sun, Winnipeg Free Press – October 28, 2006; Le Soleil – October 22, 2006; Oak Bay News – October 18, 2006; CBC Regional News – October 13, 2006 – Several students and a teacher along with ArcticNet Network Manager Martin Fortier and Program Coordinator for Schools on Board Lucette Barber are featured and interviewed about the Schools on Board program. The ArcticNet-supported program begins October 30 in Iqualuit, onboard the CCGS Amundsen, and ends November 9 in Québec City.
  • CBC Radio Online – October 14, 2006 – Jeff Lebans, producer for the CBC Radio program “Quirks and Quarks,” spent several days onboard the CCGS Amundsen observing the science and interviewing scientists, technicians and students. A daily diary about his experience is available online, as well as an interview with “Quirks and Quarks” host Bob McDonald.

2. Canadian Stroke Network (CSN)

  • Globe and Mail – October 18, 2006 – CSN hypertension expert and research leader Dr. Norm Campbell is quoted in this article about the dangers of salt.
  • Global National News – October 11, 2006 – CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim discussed the need for more rehabilitation services for people recovering from stroke and the progress already made through better organized stroke care.

3. Emerging Dynamic Global Economies Network (EDGE) – Embassy Magazine – October 4, 2006 – Debra Steger provides insight into Canadian branding and diplomacy.

4. Geomatics for Informed Decisions Network (GEOIDE)

  • News Release – October 3, 2006 – GEOIDE Project Leader Dr. Gérard Lachapelle and GEOIDE researchers Cécile Mongrédien and Dr. Elizabeth Cannon won a Best Presentation Award at the ION GNSS 2006 conference, held in Fort Worth, Texas, for their publication "Testing GPS L5 Acquisition and Tracking Algorithms Using a Hardware Simulator.”
  • News Release – October 13, 2006 – GEOIDE project leader and CRC/iCORE Chair in Wireless Location Dr. Gérard Lachapelle was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation, in recognition of his fundamental work related to satellite-based navigation. The award was presented by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Patron of the Institute.

5. Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (ISIS Canada)

  • Discovery Channel-Daily Planet – October 13, 2006 – In a program that focuses on preventative measures for natural disasters, ISIS Canada Project Leader Professor Shamim Sheik and two students – Ciyan Cui, an engineering Ph.D. student and Sylvio Tam, an engineering Master's student – show us how concrete wrapped in glass or carbon fibres can withstand severe blasts like terrorist attacks or earth quakes, compared to the same impact on regular concrete.
  • Globe and Mail – October 9, 2006 – ISIS Canada is mentioned in an article that discusses the use of high-tech warning systems installed on bridges to monitor and analyze the strain faced by these structures.

NCEs in the News – Archives:


Last Updated: 2006-11-08 [ Important Notices ]