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Jeff Elyea
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(613) 828-6274 x231
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What is RSS?

RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a useful tool for keeping updated on OCRI news and events. RSS makes use of a code called XML that constantly scans the content of a website for updates and then broadcasts those updates to all subscribers through a feed.

RSS feeds are typically used with news sites, podcasts or blogs, although any website can use them to disseminate information. When an update is sent out, it includes a headline and a small amount of text, either a summary or the lead-in to the larger story. You will need to click a link to read more.

In order to receive RSS feeds, you must have an aggregator or newsreader, or a browser that supports RSS. There are a number of aggregators online, many of them free, so with a little bit of searching, you should be able to find an interface that appeals to you. In addition to being available on your computer, RSS feeds can also be read on PDAs and cell phones.

With a newsreader software or an RSS-friendly browser, click on the RSS button and the feed will be available as soon as you’ve added it, and your next update will arrive automatically, as soon as it's available online. If you ever decide that you don’t want to receive updates anymore, you simply delete the feed or URL from your newsreader.

RSS feeds are preferable to newsletter updates because they are instantaneous. You don’t have to wait until a designated day of the week to receive your summary. They will also never be held up by a spam filter. RSS is a great way to stay on top of the latest OCRI podcasts and technology news.

To subscribe (with RSS Reader):

To subscribe to an OCRI feed, click the RSS Subscribe button beside the link in the left column. The subscription will feed to your browser (if it’s RSS enabled) or RSS Reader (NewsGator, NetNewsWire).


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