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Strategic Project Grants Target Area Descriptions

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Top of page1. Advanced Communications and Management of Information


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Few fields have experienced the same rate of change as communications and information management. Further paradigm shifts will be driven by increasing machine intelligence, advances in signal processing and improved materials. To lead future developments, Canadian researchers need to address strategic challenges in areas such as advanced networks (wireless and optical), software for communications, enabling technologies, emerging and non-traditional devices, heterogeneous and homogeneous photonics and electronics, and information management. Advances in these areas will strengthen the quality and capacity of communications infrastructures and result in the introduction of valuable new products and services.

Research Topics

(a) Network-Intensive Applications

In Canada’s technologically advanced society, economic and social outcomes depend to a great extent on the capacity of individuals to rapidly find and manipulate information from diverse and distant sources.

The goal of this topic is to stimulate cutting-edge research that will lead to new network-intensive applications. For example, research can include simple intuitive user interfaces, improved access to and manipulation of information, transparent access to centralized or distributed secure information management systems, and new or more effective uses of the capabilities of ubiquitous, intelligent networks.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • distributed, interactive gaming;
  • machine learning;
  • tele-presence; and
  • user interfaces that are sight and/or voice based, haptic, multimodal and hands free.

(b) Ubiquitous Networks

Future networks will need to be more ubiquitous, mobile, agile and secure than they are today. They will also need to support new applications that continuously push bandwidth and accessibility limits. The goal of this topic is to stimulate research at the systems and technology levels in ubiquitous wireless, wireline, and optical networks. Researchers are encouraged to focus on developing next-generation wireless and optical networks and embedded communications networks while addressing broadband connectivity, machine-to-machine connectivity, and other issues.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • intelligent signal processing;
  • embedded optical and electronic systems;
  • sensors and actuators;
  • heterogeneous/integrated photonic and electronic devices and systems;
  • optical/wireless/wireline interfaces;
  • RF and millimetre wave components;
  • tera-hertz technologies;
  • programmable platforms; and
  • dynamic spectrum allocation.

(c) Management of Information in a Networked Environment

Networks can quickly distribute massive amounts of data to any number of users. Data such as health records, business information and other types of sensitive information must be kept secure yet made available in the right context to users from any location using different devices. Users depend on this data to be accurate, available, properly managed and securely transmitted.

To receive funding under this topic, the proposed research must aim to enhance the accessibility, management, security or privacy of information in a networked environment.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • intellectual property rights management (e.g., to detect infringement or collect royalties);
  • indexing and watermarking of audio and video content;
  • secure management of user-created content (Blogs, Wikis, Flock, etc.);
  • secure data mining (such that, for example, new insights and opportunities can be extracted from agglomerated data without revealing secure data to unauthorized users);
  • location independence;
  • data organization;
  • search capabilities;
  • security and privacy; and
  • geospatial information systems (GIS) and Web GIS access.

(d) Adaptive/Cognitive Networks

By definition, adaptive/cognitive communication networks can adapt their performance to accommodate factors such as interruptions, changing environmental conditions and fluctuations in traffic load. Software designed to garner network intelligence is used to detect and adapt to the operating habits of the network and its users with the objective of optimizing established services and offering new ones.

The goal of this topic is to stimulate research that will produce new findings to support network transparency and generate new applications and services. These applications and services will be predetermined and established through network-assisted learning.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • network- and edge-interface learning algorithms;
  • seamless mobility, e.g., wireline, optical and wireless, including cognitive radios;
  • location-based technologies, e.g., indoor positioning, network-assisted location;
  • abstracted position and authority-based secure content delivery;
  • intelligent signal processing;
  • dynamic spectrum allocation;
  • programmable and learning platforms through enabling technologies, e.g., software, sensing and actuation; and
  • enabling security technology, e.g., deep-packet inspection.

Top of page2. Biomedical Technologies


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In the coming years, Canada’s aging population will demand greater access to improved health care and biomedical technologies. Natural sciences and engineering research is required to overcome major challenges in the early detection of disease, real-time monitoring of dynamic events in living systems, and the development of “intelligent” medical devices and interactive biomaterials. Research is also required to improve accessibility to health care devices and technologies and make such devices and technologies easier to use.

The intended outcome of research in biomedical technologies is to generate improved or new technologies to support health care, diagnosis and treatment. Technological improvements will reduce the burden on the health care system and increase quality of life. Canada’s economy will benefit from the reduction in health care costs and the commercialization of the resulting technologies.

One of the underlying themes of this target area is to build on Canada’s strengths in the natural sciences and engineering to overcome barriers to major advancements in biomedical technologies. For example, researchers are encouraged to build on Canada’s advanced communications research capability to increase opportunities for remote or home-based care and to improve quality of care through more effective yet less invasive diagnostic tools. Another underlying theme is that advances in biomedical technologies can decrease costs yet increase the functionality of devices and systems so that health care technologies become more widely available and easier to use.

NSERC will not fund research involving clinical trials conducted on humans. If your proposed research includes randomized controlled trials (RCT), please submit your application to the RCT program of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (

Research Topics

(a) Detection Methods for Use in Whole Organisms

Early detection of disease is critical to successful treatment or reducing the impacts of the disease. There have been significant advances in technologies that could be exploited for the detection and tracking of molecules, signals or dynamic cellular events in living systems. The challenge is to advance these technologies further to enable the early detection of disease and to monitor disease progression and therapeutic efficacy.

Given the importance of developing non-invasive, cell-specific detection and monitoring methods, researchers are encouraged to develop low-cost, widely accessible, real-time detection and sensing technologies for living systems.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • new imaging modalities;
  • reagent-free spectroscopy;
  • minimally invasive detection technologies;
  • image guidance technologies for treatment;
  • cost-effective, low-maintenance biosensing and/or imaging devices;
  • new technologies to break current barriers in spatial and temporal resolution in imaging;
  • novel sensors for diagnostics in whole organisms; and
  • miniaturized systems for point-of-care diagnostics.

Research involving the development of new gene arrays or new chemical agents will not be considered under this research topic.

(b) Computational Tools for Real-Time Signal Processing and Analysis

One of the biggest obstacles to moving diagnostic technologies from the laboratory to the health care system is the tremendous computational burden of transforming measurements into meaningful information that health care providers can use. Canadian scientists and engineers are encouraged to develop computational techniques and analytical tools for the real-time processing of diagnostic data or for complex patient-monitoring systems. They are also encouraged to address a related challenge: incorporate computational techniques and tools into intelligent feedback systems that control complex robotic systems, remote systems or prosthetics.

One of the objectives of conducting research in this area is to find ways to provide meaningful diagnostic or monitoring information that can be captured efficiently, reliably, and in real-time. Such advances will make health care services more efficient, improve patient care and safety, reduce health care costs and/or create opportunities for remote care.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • computational tools for dealing with large amounts of real-time diagnostic data coming from living systems;
  • intelligent diagnosis, i.e., real-time analysis of diagnostic data from living systems;
  • intelligent feedback systems for robotics, complex instrument control and prosthetics;
  • point-of-care diagnosis;
  • real-time image processing;
  • computational tools for signal extraction/processing; and
  • computational modeling of living systems as a predictive tool for therapy.

(c) Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Research within this topic should focus on the key challenges standing in the way of advancing the science of tissue regeneration, specifically keeping cells viable within scaffolds and modulating the immune response to implants. Research that builds on Canada’s strength in biomaterials to develop target-specific delivery systems will also be included within this topic.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • combination strategies to enhance survival of implanted cells/materials in vivo;
  • improved methods for functional vascularization and/or innervation of artificial tissues;
  • innovative and interactive biomaterials for tissue engineering;
  • biomimetic materials for tissue replacement;
  • “smart biomaterials,” i.e., biomaterials, including stimuli-responsive materials and signal-initiating materials, that can communicate with the body; and
  • target-specific delivery strategies for biomaterials alone or in combination with cells or therapeutic molecules.

Research toward the development of new non-interactive biomaterials for prosthetics will not be considered under this research topic.

(d) Technologies for Independent Living and In-Home Care

Given Canada’s aging population and our nation’s commitment to help older people and people with disabilities live independently, research into technologies that will support independent living has become a national priority. Research in this area could help to generate new, accessible technologies to help older or disabled people remain in their homes, and to improve access to health care for those living in remote regions of Canada.

Natural scientists and engineers are encouraged to conduct the research required to develop new technologies that are affordable, reliable, compact, portable, safe and easy to use. Human factors must be included in the design of instrumentation and monitoring equipment for use in the home or in the health care system.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • new technologies in communications, monitoring and detection for managing disease or disability in the home;
  • human-machine interfaces to make medical technologies easier to use and safer;
  • assistive technologies to aid mobility or mitigate sensory impairment;
  • technologies to support formal or informal care-giving in the home; and
  • rehabilitation engineering.

Top of page3. Competitive Manufacturing and Value-Added Products and Processes


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Canada has a strong history of successfully processing our natural resources and creating value-added products. However, to compete successfully in the rapidly changing global economy, Canada needs to develop new value-added products from our natural resources, and use flexible, lean, clean and cost-effective production processes. In light of these challenges, research in this target area will focus on:

  • developing a new technology or modifying an existing technology that enables new products that add value to, or improve the processing of, our natural resources; or
  • increasing manufacturing productivity and flexibility, reducing energy costs and environmental impacts (operational improvements or integrated production systems for a broad range of manufacturing will be considered); or
  • creating products for transportation, manufacturing or new polymer products.

Proposals related to novel bio-processing methods or fuel and energy creation will not be considered in this target area. Such proposals should be directed to the Quality Foods and Novel Bioproducts and Sustainable Energy Systems (Production, Distribution and Utilization) target areas respectively.

Research Topics

(a) Value-Added Wood Products

The goal of research proposed under this topic is to add value to Canada’s forest resources, taking advantage of the diversity of Canadian species.

The proposed research must generate knowledge that, when applied, will lead to new value-added wood products and more effective processes to make them. Examples of industrial applications include: energy-efficient or cost-effective building systems, durable wood-based materials (e.g., mould-, moisture-, fire- and insect-resistant), high-strength pulps, lightweight papers, and wood-derived biomaterials.

The industry sectors that could use such materials include construction, interior furnishings, printing, packaging, and developing sectors that either produce and/or use renewable materials from the forest.

The research could focus on building science; modeling; cellulose fibre and lignin modification; applied chemistry and materials science; or other areas.

Research on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of processes used to create existing wood-based products will notbe considered under this research topic, but will be considered within the target area. Projects to develop energy sources (e.g., bio-fuels), food, or health technology products from the forest resource should be directed to other target areas (e.g., Sustainable Energy Systems (Production, Distribution and Utilization), Quality Foods and Novel Bioproducts, Biomedical Technologies).

(b) Near-Net-Shape Processes

The low labour costs of some of Canada’s international competitors and the rising cost of raw materials have affected the ability of Canada’s manufacturing sector to compete globally. One way to help Canadian manufacturers compete is to develop superior manufacturing processes, for example, by creating parts or components with minimal wasted material. Near-net-shape processes significantly reduce product cost in two ways: by requiring dramatically less raw material per part; and by requiring significantly less finishing (e.g., machining and grinding).

Examples of part manufacturing processes that can potentially deliver near-net-shape components include casting, metal injection moulding, forging, powder metallurgy, laser sintering and sheet metal processing. Each process has its own research challenges:

  • Casting: increase yields and as-cast properties, achieving thinner walls;
  • Metal injection moulding: develop feedstocks and metal injection moulding processes for different alloys, targeting consistent dimensions and final material properties;
  • Forging: develop methods to achieve closer final shapes with good control of dimensions and properties;
  • Powder metallurgy: develop advanced powder materials and new technology for producing components that will have higher density and will meet higher stress requirements; develop better compaction methods to enable perfect cavity fill; develop new non-destructive methods for testing powder metal components where inherent residual porosity is ignored;
  • Laser sintering: increase the impact of laser sintering by improving processes that target dimensional results and final material properties; and
  • Sheet-metal processing: improve the processes of spinning, shear forming, flow forming, deep drawing, hydroforming, stamping, rolling, and incremental forming in order to seize more manufacturing opportunities and compete more effectively in a wide variety of industries.

The challenges lie in further developing these and other processes to deliver parts cost-effectively with the required material properties in the final configuration.

(c) Process Models and Integrated Production Models

Manufacturing industries that develop processes to modify the shape or properties of materials to a precise specification (e.g., parts/components, systems, feedstocks, chemicals or fibres) will gain a sustained competitive advantage by perfecting their production processes. To gain this advantage, the industry must start with an accurate, reliable model of key processes, be they mechanical, electrical, thermal, chemical, etc. Researchers are encouraged to exploit Canadian modeling expertise and computing power to create modeling tools that industry can use and that integrate a high number and wide range of process variables.

Research funded under this topic will enable innovation in material processing by providing tools for testing alternative processes in the virtual space, minimizing development time and guaranteeing overall optimization. Researchers will need to validate their virtual-space models with data from full-scale or pilot-scale industrial facilities.

(d) Functional Materials

Materials have traditionally been developed for their structural or mechanical performance. Materials with specific features or capacities have gradually been introduced in industry where they have been used to support catalysis, energy storage, magnetics, biocompatibility, bioactivity, piezoelectric activity, etc.

The functional performance of materials can be improved by controlling and optimizing their chemical and physical structure. Improving functional performance often requires significant developments in areas such as synthesis, surface chemistry, micro/nanostructure determination and control, materials physics, electrochemistry and other areas of research.

Under this topic, proposed research must focus on the development of materials that will:

  • significantly improve catalytic performance in resource and feedstock processing; and
  • create, store, or react to heat, light, sound, or other types of energy or chemicals.

Research that focuses on developing materials with improved wear performance will not be considered under this research topic but will be considered within the target area.

Proposals that focus on creating functional materials for other uses should be directed to the relevant target area among the following: Sustainable Energy Systems (Production, Distribution and Utilization), Biomedical Technologies, Quality Foods and Novel Bioproducts, Healthy Environment and Ecosystems, Safety and Security, and Advanced Communications and Management of Information.

Proposals focused on research toward creating functional materials from food or biology-based processes should be directed to the Quality Foods and Novel Bioproducts target area.

(e) Lightweight Materials for Transportation

Reducing the energy required to move people and products is one of the biggest long-term challenges the transportation industry faces. Advanced materials such as polymer nano-composites, aluminum, magnesium and high-performance steel alloys offer substantial promise for reducing component weight without forcing a substantial redesign of the vehicle or aircraft. Within this topic, research could focus on advanced composites, metal foams, and advanced hybrid materials such as sandwich structures, metal-polymer laminates or other materials.

Research funded through this topic will be limited to the development of new structural materials, components and approaches to transportation that can reduce the mass of ground vehicles or aircraft, or new transportation alternatives.

Proposals related to structural materials with improved performance but not directly relevant to reduced-mass transportation vehicles will not be considered under this research topic but will be considered within the target area.

Top of page4. Healthy Environment and Ecosystems


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The increasing pressure on our environment caused by human use and the impacts of climate change continues to drive the need to find better ways to protect and conserve Canada’s natural resources and biodiversity. Natural resources include ground and surface water, soil, air, forests and other vegetative ground cover, and biodiversity in plants and animal life.

Research is required to:

  • determine whether specific interventions can help ecosystems adapt to atmospheric and climate changes;
  • better understand the interrelationships between land use, aquatic ecosystems, and ecological processes;
  • manage water resources more effectively; and
  • manage waste and remediate contaminated sites more effectively.

In many cases, the ability to implement policy or apply the research results will depend on socio-economic as well as scientific understanding. For this reason, applicants are encouraged to incorporate components of the social sciences into their proposals, where required. However, NSERC will limit its funding to the natural sciences and engineering aspects of the proposal.

Research Topics

(a) Biosphere Adaptation to Climate Change

Deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities have altered global biogeochemical cycles (especially carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles), leading to climate change. Climate change then alters the biogeochemical cycles even more, which affects the capacity of ecosystems to perform the functions that human beings depend on.

More research is required if we are to fully understand:

  • how human activity interacts with atmospheric and climate change in altering biogeochemical cycles;
  • how atmospheric and climate change are affecting forest and aquatic ecosystems; and
  • whether specific interventions can help ecosystems adapt to atmospheric and climate changes.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles

Researchers are encouraged to investigate the mechanisms through which human impacts on forests and freshwater aquatic systems alter the biogeochemical cycles under current and future scenarios for atmospheric and climate change. In forest ecosystems, examples of human impacts include silviculture activities such as harvesting and regeneration practices or species selection. In aquatic ecosystems, examples of human impacts include the construction and management of reservoirs for flood control or hydropower, nutrient loading of nitrogen and phosphorus from agriculture or human waste streams, and recovery of aquatic systems from acid rain.

Impact of Climate Change on Forest and Freshwater Aquatic Ecosystems

Researchers are encouraged to develop models or experimental studies to determine the mechanisms and processes required to assess the impact of climate change on forest and freshwater aquatic ecosystems and the benefits we derive from these ecosystems. Researchers are encouraged to address topics including hydropower generation capacity; fish and wildlife populations; wood supply; forest carbon stocks, etc.

Adaptation Strategies

Researchers are encouraged to identify and assess the management practices or human interventions that would be most effective in helping ecosystems (and the species living in them) adapt to atmospheric and climate change. The goal is to recommend those practices or interventions that will help to maintain or enhance the benefits we gain from forests and aquatic ecosystems.

(b) Management and Modeling of Ecosystems

Considerable work has been done to understand distinct processes such as water quantity or habitat supply, and how human disturbance affects each of these processes separately. Although work is underway to define these processes and interrelationships within the context of climate change, little has been done to develop models that tie these processes and interrelationships together at the ecosystem level. If Canada is to better protect ecosystem health and biodiversity or take remediation measures, we need to understand, in an integrated fashion, how human impacts affect all aspects of ecosystem functioning.

Researchers are invited to investigate total ecosystem response to human intervention and climate change, and develop analytical methods that link environmental quality with ecosystem change. The objective of this work is to guide policy makers towards a sustainable resource allocation, especially where there are conflicting demands on those resources. For example, within a boreal forest where oil and gas operations, forestry, grazing and tourism may compete, it would be invaluable to have models that predict future forest scenarios relative to allowable annual cut, soil properties, water quality and biodiversity.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

Management of Ecosystems

The goal of this topic is to develop ecosystem management strategies that will ensure that our ecosystems remain sustainable despite human demands. Researchers are encouraged to develop strategies for determining thresholds and tradeoffs related to the carrying capacity of ecosystems and to a watershed-based approach to water management. Proposals should be limited to:

  • industrial or boreal ecosystems of 100,000 km2;
  • rural ecosystems of 500 km2;
  • urban ecosystems of 100 km2; and
  • watersheds smaller than 1,000 km2.

Modeling of Ecosystems

At an ecosystem scale, researchers are encouraged to:

  • develop integrated models showing how an ecosystem responds to climate change and/or anthropogenic disturbance and what measures (e.g., mitigation or adaptation) would be advisable; and
  • determine the mechanisms underlying the response of ecosystems to the introduction of novel living organisms, and develop models to manage ecosystem response to these organisms.

(c) Water Resources

Climate change, chemical and microbial pollution, agriculture and extractive industries all affect water supply, water quality and sustainable utilization.

As water resources become stressed, pressure to recycle and reuse water will increase. Also, Canada’s small rural communities face special challenges in ensuring safe water supply and effective wastewater treatment. More stringent regulatory requirements plus concern about existing or new pollutants are fuelling the need for innovative technologies to protect and treat water to higher standards and to cost-effectively remediate stressed water resources.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

Supply Protection and Management

Researchers are encouraged to develop methods and tools for quantifying water resources, protecting water quality, and managing watersheds, taking into account the factors that control source, supply and resource utilization. For example, researchers can focus on how shallow and deep groundwater resources interact; how resource utilization affects water quality and availability; and how intercepting and redirecting water affects recharge and discharge patterns.

Proposals for research targeting incremental improvements to existing technologies will not be considered for funding.

Treatment, Reuse and Remediation

Researchers are encouraged to develop innovative new technologies, methods and analytical tools for treating water and wastewater and for remediating contaminated water sources. Examples include biological wastewater treatment; physical-chemical wastewater treatment; drinking water treatment; and in-situ and ex-situ remediation of contaminated surface and groundwater resources.

Proposals for research targeting incremental improvements to existing technologies will not be considered for funding.

(d) Waste Management

Canada has a huge legacy of industrial brownfields and other contaminated sites that are affecting ecosystems and limiting land use. If we are to make urban living sustainable, we must remediate these sites and find ways to avoid future contamination of land.

Researchers are encouraged to develop the analytical tools required to evaluate the performance of various remediation technologies and assess the feasibility and effectiveness of new waste management alternatives. By exploring and defining the science upon which innovative new treatment processes, technologies and management practices could be built, researchers have a strategic opportunity to transform the waste management industry and support environmental remediation.

Research within this topic will be limited to the development of:

  • innovative, less intrusive, and less costly approaches to the remediation of brownfields, mine sites and government-owned contaminated properties;
  • innovative new analytical tools for site characterization that will more accurately define the extent and nature of the contamination;
  • systems engineering approaches to managing municipal, industrial and construction waste in a way that will protect the ecosystem;
  • air treatment technologies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from small-scale facilities (<1,000 cfm); and
  • innovative new technologies designed to ensure that toxic materials of emerging concern, e.g., nanotechnology wastes, catalytic wastes (flue gas desulphurization) and novel organic materials do not enter ecosystems in significant quantities.

Proposals for research targeting incremental improvements to existing technologies will not be considered for funding.

Top of page5. Quality Foods and Novel Bioproducts


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While Canada’s agricultural and food production systems are among the most efficient and highest quality in the world, the prices our commodities fetch are subject to world forces we cannot control. Because of this fact, improvements to our existing food production systems will not necessarily increase revenue in Canada’s food commodities sector. To increase revenue, Canada needs to rise above its global competition by introducing high-quality “functional” foods (i.e., with proven health benefits), novel feedstocks and value-added products derived from biological materials, be they plants, animals or microorganisms. Canada could also boost this sector by investing more in research in aquaculture, a new industry, relative to traditional crop and livestock production, but with the potential to contribute more to Canada’s future food economy. Ensuring and maintaining a safe and high-quality food production system is also of prime importance to Canadians.

Researchers are encouraged to create or develop novel technologies, processes or products that can be applied to food quality and safety, functional foods and nutraceuticals, novel bioproducts and aquaculture.

Please note that NSERC will not fund clinical trials or cohort studies with humans.

Research Topics

(a) Food Quality and Safety

“Food quality” encompasses several attributes, including food safety (microbiological, chemical and/or physical); nutritional quality (amount and availability of major and minor nutrients); sensory quality (appearance, flavour, texture); maintenance of quality (after packaging and during storage) and functionality (suitability for processing and end use). These attributes are increasingly important with respect to consumer acceptance and international trade and, consequently, commercial success. Consumers are also demanding more information on the history of a food right back to point of origin to increase their confidence that a problem in the food production system can be properly traced and then contained or dealt with.

Researchers are encouraged to strengthen Canada’s capacity to market superior quality foods here and abroad by developing increasingly reliable and commercially affordable methods and/or technologies that will assure food quality and safety.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • methods for the analysis, traceability, and authentication of food and food products (e.g., nutrient status, presence of contaminants and/or pathogens, verified composition);
  • methods to verify feed quality (e.g., for poultry, livestock, fish);
  • preservation technologies (as they affect quality attributes);
  • rapid, sensitive and accurate methods for microbial assessment;
  • application of risk analysis techniques (mathematical modeling, data acquisition); and
  • simple tests for functionality.

(b) Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

The objective of this research topic is to increase the availability and delivery of food and nutritional components with specific health benefits to humans, livestock, farmed fish and companion animals. These food or nutritional components could be derived from conventional or new food sources of any biological origin. Researchers should attempt to clarify the mode of action of the specific component, in the form in which it is typically consumed, and demonstrate a clear link between the component and health.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • identifying functional components, determining how they interact, and clarifying their mode of action in disease prevention and health promotion;
  • developing methods to enhance the presence, or functionality, of known nutritional or nutraceutical components with recognized functional benefits in food and food products;
  • enhancing the functionality of food or food products through improvements in levels, digestibility or bioavailability of active components;
  • eliminating anti-nutritional and/or allergenic components from food; and
  • developing a production chain in which the functionality of foods will be preserved or increased through production, transportation, storage and, if required, further processing.

(c) Novel Bioproducts

Biological materials, whatever their origin, can be the source of a wide range of new feedstocks and other products, including new medicines. By using the metabolites and metabolic pathways of diverse organisms, scientists and engineers could create “biological factories” to produce novel, high-value products for industrial, nutritional or pharmaceutical applications. Similarly, by using biochemical processing and fractionation, scientists could eventually derive high-value products from ordinary “commodity” starting materials.

Researchers are encouraged to focus on improving sources of non-food bioproducts through genetic or biochemical modification, and developing novel bioprocessing technologies, as described below.

Genetic and Biochemical Improvement of Sources for Non-Food Bioproducts

The objective is to genetically or biochemically modify organisms so that they can be used to produce bio-fuels, pharmaceuticals, industrial feedstocks and other useful products. Success in this area will help Canada derive far more value from our land and aquatic resources, for example, in providing alternatives to fossil fuels and in reducing the economic impact of declining prices for traditional agricultural commodities.

Research within this topic will be limited to the genetic or biochemical improvement of sources of non-food bioproducts with the goal of raising the levels of desirable compounds or products (e.g., oils, proteins, polymers, starches, fibres, secondary metabolites etc.).

The compounds or products could be either precursors or intermediates requiring further processing, or end products. Gene shuffling, directed evolution, or related technologies to develop new production platforms, or genetic and metabolic engineering toward the development of new host species are all among the approaches researchers could use.

Development of Novel Bioprocessing Technologies

Canada’s large land base generates a great deal of biomass. With novel processing, this biomass could become the source of new industrial products that could eventually replace oil, gas and other petroleum-based products in our economy. Canada has an opportunity to lead the world in developing new industrial products from biomass, which will reduce our dependency on non-renewable resources.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • developing and optimizing biology-based processing methodologies to derive valuable materials from renewable bio-resources; and
  • solving issues that emerge from scaling up biology-based processing.

Proposals that focus on developing new processes for producing energy from biological sources or co-products from biofuels should be directed to the Sustainable Energy Systems(Production, Distribution and Utilization) target area. Proposals that focus on wood processing should be directed to the Competitive Manufacturing and Value-Added Products and Processes target area.

(d) Aquaculture

Aquaculture (the farming of fish, shellfish, algae and aquatic plants) is expected to account for more than half of all global seafood production by 2030. Despite Canada’s aquatic resources, seafood processing infrastructure, and proximity to markets, Canada has not yet developed a significant aquaculture industry. Researchers are encouraged to improve the production efficiency and environmental sustainability of the aquaculture industry.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

  • the genetic improvement, nutrition and health of the water-dwelling organisms, captive reproduction, optimum rearing regimes, the design and engineering of aquaculture production systems, and the development of new species and polyculture (farming several species at one location), with the goal of making aquaculture production more efficient; and
  • the development of processes for minimizing impacts on the environment, i.e., managing the flow of nutrients from aquatic farms into the environment, mitigating or eliminating the transfer of disease between farmed and wild populations, and ensuring the containment of farmed organisms.

Top of page6. Safety and Security


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As stated in Canada’s National Security Policy, there can be no greater role for a nation than to protect its citizens. But, as Canadians know, we live in an increasingly complex and interconnected world where threats such as terrorism, industrial accidents, the global spread of disease, and natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, can have devastating consequences.

Individuals, communities, private sector organizations and governments must, in a coordinated fashion, be able to assess security risks and prioritize measures to reduce these risks. Canada needs to do far more to ensure effective emergency management in the face of growing risks.

The four pillars of emergency management are:

  • mitigation and prevention: sustained actions to reduce or eliminate the impacts and risks associated with natural and human-induced disasters;
  • preparedness: developing policies, procedures and plans for effectively managing emergencies;
  • response: actions taken during or directly after an emergency occurs; and
  • recovery: efforts to repair and restore communities after an emergency.

Researchers are encouraged to develop new ideas and solutions to help ensure the safety and security of Canada and Canadians. The following research topics focus on mitigation and prevention, given that other federal funding programs already support emergency preparedness, response, and recovery.

In order to develop a more holistic approach to emergency management, collaboration with experts who work in fields other than natural sciences and engineering is encouraged, where appropriate. However, NSERC will restrict its funding to the natural sciences and engineering aspects of the proposed research.

Proposals that focus on secure management of information should be directed to the Advanced Communications and Management of Information target area. Proposals that focus on food safety and security should be directed to the Quality Foods and Novel Bioproducts target area.

Research Topics

(a) Risk and Vulnerability

Decisions pertaining to safety and security must be based on an in-depth understanding of risks and vulnerabilities, and must be seen by citizens as rational, transparent, and defensible. Researchers are encouraged to focus their proposals on the development of techniques, tools, and systems that strengthen our capacity to identify and measure risks and vulnerabilities, weigh and compare different types of risks, determine risk levels, and inform decision-makers.

(b) Resiliency of Systems

Research is needed to improve the design, engineering, and operation of critical infrastructure systems to ensure they function properly during deliberate or accidental interference, natural disasters or other emergencies. Resiliency is interpreted to mean protection from failure, or assurance of service continuity for all types of critical infrastructure (e.g., water, transportation, electrical, internet, etc.), including fragile and aging systems. To make systems more resilient, researchers will need to consider, for example, systems’ interdependencies, adaptation, redundancy, safe-failure and rapid reconstitution, and containment, as well as isolation of system components.

(c) Intelligent Technologies

New technologies are needed to increase safety and security by preventing accidents and the deliberate or accidental misuse of technology. Intelligent systems or inherently safe systems are seen as high-value areas of technology development. Examples of research appropriate to this topic include improving human-machine interfaces, developing autocorrection technologies, designing inherently safe materials, and designing systems to prevent the misuse of technologies. Research proposed within this topic must enhance personal or public safety.

(d) Event Detection

Canadians must be protected as much as possible from the consequences of natural disasters (e.g., floods, earthquakes, storms), deliberate attacks (e.g., terrorism, criminal, cyber), or accidents (e.g., train derailments, blackouts). Research is needed to develop better surveillance, detection, and identification technologies so that citizens can receive early warning of such events and benefit from measures to reduce their impact. For a technology to be effective, it should allow for disastrous events to be predicted or detected early enough so that measures can be taken to reduce or eliminate dangerous consequences.

Top of page7. Sustainable Energy Systems (Production, Distribution and Utilization)


Print Target Area
To a great extent, our standard of living depends on reliable, low-cost and high-quality energy available as electricity and hydrocarbon fuels. However, we now face pressures that could affect the supply, quality and reliability of these traditional forms of energy. More research is required if Canada is to develop sustainable and affordable energy sources. To receive funding through this target area, researchers should focus on emerging technologies that can be applied to the development of sustainable energy systems.

Sustainable energy systems are best approached from a systems-engineering perspective, i.e., a holistic approach that addresses technical issues (e.g., efficiency in energy conversion and use) as well as political and societal concerns (e.g., safety, cost, and environmental impact). In devising this holistic approach, researchers are encouraged to collaborate with social scientists; however, NSERC will limit its funding to the science and engineering aspects of the research.

Research Topics

(a) Integrated Systems Approach to Electrical Power Grids (Modeling, Lifecycle Analysis, Design, Optimization, Interoperability)

The Canadian electric power system is the aggregate of provincial and territorial systems that have been designed and adapted to meet the local needs of provinces and territories. Each of these systems has its own characteristics and operates independently, a fact that affects the efficacy and uniformity of our national power grid. Researchers are encouraged to focus on improving the efficiency of the national power grid, taking advantage of the resources some provinces have that may meet the needs of others, and forming a complementary, integrated whole. Researchers are specifically encouraged to enhance the mix of options for generating electricity, take advantage of the massive latent storage capacity of our large hydro assets, and seamlessly integrate distributed generation sources into electricity grid systems.

It will be important for researchers to be able to simulate the control and performance of the national power grid and ensure the quality of power it will deliver.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

Optimization of the Electricity System

Research under this topic must focus on optimizing the electricity grid system across Canada, i.e., improving its short- and long-term reliability, reducing its environmental impact, and ensuring that its component technologies work seamlessly and effectively together in the Canadian setting. Research could include the design and operation of an electricity system that integrates centralized and distributed generation, electricity storage, active monitoring, dispatch, fault limitation and power quality control.

Proposals that focus on the protection of the energy infrastructure from natural disasters or terrorist acts should be directed to the Safety and Security target area.

(b) Energy Storage

The capacity to store energy is currently an underdeveloped component of Canada’s management of energy. For example, most of today’s electricity systems generate and immediately deliver electricity, without storing a portion of it for later use. Although designed to respond to fluctuating demand, these systems face peak period stresses that could be relieved by stored electricity. The transportation sector could also benefit from stored energy sources. For example, the use of stored hydrogen in vehicles could help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Researchers are encouraged to develop approaches that draw on Canadian expertise in fuel cells as well as novel energy storage systems.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

Storage of Electricity

The goal is to develop a high-capacity storage system that can easily be integrated into the local grid where it will respond instantly in a power outage and operate seamlessly without a noticeable decrease in the quality of power. Ideally, such a system should be scalable to meet different demands, i.e., mobile and fixed applications such as transportation, building and community uses.

Storage of Hydrogen

The goal is to develop a container with a high weight-percentage storage capacity that can easily be shaped and incorporated into existing transportation systems and that will be cost-effective when mass produced.

(c) Biomass Conversion and Co-Product Optimization

Researchers are encouraged to improve the core processes of converting biomass to energy (e.g., fermentation, anaerobic digestion, esterification and transesterification, pyrolysis, gasification). Canada would derive economic and environmental benefits if more and different types of feedstocks could be used in biomass conversion, if conversion processes could be optimized, and if the co-products of biofuel production could also be applied to energy production.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

Expanded Sources for Energy

Biodiesel: Researchers are encouraged to solve the problems that arise when biodiesel is produced from waste biomass rather than higher-value raw materials (e.g., canola, soybeans).

Bio-oil: Researchers are encouraged to solve the problems that arise when bio-oil is produced through pyrolysis from heterogeneous biomass sources (e.g., waste wood from building construction, forestry slash, etc.).

Co-Product Value Optimization

Researchers are encouraged to discover ways to use the refinery process and waste biomass to generate value-added carbon-based products for non-fuel uses.

(d) Systems Engineering Approach to the Extraction of Fossil Fuels

Much of Canada’s infrastructure depends on fossil fuels, and a great deal of energy is consumed in extracting them. By incorporating alternative energy sources (including the waste products of processing) into the extraction and refining of hydrocarbons, the industry could conserve energy, reduce waste and save money.

Research within this topic will be limited to:

Optimizing Hydrogen Supply and Utilization in Bitumen Recovery and Processing

The goal is to generate hydrogen cost-effectively and improve the hydrogenation of bitumen molecules.

Clean Combustion of Bitumen and Oil Sands Processing Waste Products

The goal is to use waste products (e.g., hydrocarbons in sludge, or the asphaltine bottoms, coke) as fuel in processing oil sands and in heavy oil in-situ production, co-generation and upgrading (combustion technology and CO2 sequestration).

Integrated Energy Recovery from Fossil Fuel Production and Use

The goal is to reduce energy consumption by recovering the energy created by the production and refining of hydrocarbons, and reusing it in other processes.

Updated:  2006-03-13

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