
AFMNet and industry partners invest $15 million to advance Canada’s pre-eminent role in advanced foods and biomaterials research

GUELPH, May 15, 2006 – At its Second Annual Scientific Conference held in Calgary this month, the Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet) announced the funding of 20 innovative food and bio-materials related research projects. AFMNet is investing up to $12 million in funding over the next three years for projects ranging from researching microbial agents for food safety, to studying nutrigenomics and biomarkers of chronic disease to understanding the impact of Canada’s Natural Health Product Regulations. This investment is made possible by Canada’s Networks of Centres of Excellence. The projects are also receiving an additional $3 million in funding from industry and other public sector partners.

"AFMNet is helping ensure Canada’s pre-eminent role in foods and materials research," said Dr. Rickey Yada, AFMNet Scientific Director and Food Science professor at the University of Guelph. "The strong collaboration between diverse research disciplines, industry, government and policy makers is contributing to the integrated development of new products and services within a modern regulatory system. Collaboration is truly the key. It allows research results to journey beyond the lab to government groups and industry partners that can change policies and make new, more healthful products, available to Canadians.”

Each AFMNet funded project will be led by one or more expert researchers who will coordinate a national team of investigators. More than 75 researchers at 24 universities across Canada will work on the 20 projects. Tania Framst, Network Manager, explains, “The diversity of AFMNet research, which includes a focus on social as well as core sciences, means the network has the capacity to examine the ethical, legal and safety implications associated with new products and technologies. Our network fosters a unique environment where scientists, engineers, health scientist, lawyers and social scientists work effectively together to make new discoveries and solve existing problems of national relevance. In addition, our projects are providing excellent training opportunities for hundreds of graduate and post-graduate students who benefit from working with Canada's top researchers in Canada's food industry.”

AFMNet research is divided into three broad themes to help address issues of national significance on a timely basis: Structure-Dynamics-Function of Foods and Bio-materials; Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals and; Genetics, Ethics, Economics, Environment, Law and Society.

Networks of Centres of Excellence, of which AFMNet is one, are unique partnerships among universities, industry, government and non-governmental organizations aimed at turning Canadian research and entrepreneurial talent into economic and social benefits for all Canadians. Numbering 23 in total, these nation-wide, multidisciplinary and multisectorial research partnerships connect excellent research with industrial know-how and strategic investment. Three Canadian federal granting agencies - the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - and Industry Canada combine their efforts to support and oversee the NCE initiative.

New Project Funding 2006-2008

Please follow the link for a complete listing of the 20 projects AFMNet and its industry partners will support for 2006-2008.


Louise Jessup,

Communications Manager, AFMNet

Phone: 519.822.6253 ext 56498;


Tania Framst, Network Manager, AFMNet

Phone: 519.822.6253 ext 56514;



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