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Award Holder's Guide For Foreign PGS Holders

For Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) Holders at Foreign Institutions

General Regulations
Acceptance or Refusal of Award (New PGS Holders Only)
Start Date
Value and Duration of Award

Deferment of Award
Payment of Award

Interruption of Award

Reinstatement of Award
Change of Research Project
Change of Institution/Location of Research
Other Sources of Income (Employment and Other Awards)
Annual Progress Reports
Termination of Award
Taxation and Other Issues

TopGeneral Regulations

To hold an award, you must:

Awards may be cancelled without notice if the conditions under which they are granted are violated. Any payment made for a period during which you were not eligible to hold the award must be reimbursed.

TopAcceptance or Refusal of Award (New PGS Holders Only)

  • You must notify NSERC within six weeks of the date on the Notice of Award of your decision to accept or refuse the award by completing an Acceptance or Refusal of Award (Form 1A).
  • NSERC will cancel any award not accepted by the above deadline.
  • Notification by telephone is not acceptable.
  • NSERC must receive the above-mentioned notification even if you plan to request a deferment of your award (see Deferment of Award).
  • To initiate payment of your award, see Payment of Award.

Top Start Date

  • Your start date is determined by your registration status in the program of studies for which funding was awarded at the time you receive notification of your award.
    • If you have already begun the program of studies, you may take up your award on either the first day of the May or September academic term following the announcement of the results, except in the following cases:
      • PGS M and CGS M holders: If you began the program of studies for which funding was awarded in January of the year of application, you must take up your award on the first day of the May academic term following the announcement of the results.
      • PGS B, PGS D and CGS D holders: You may take up your doctoral award on the first day of January if your prior PGS A, PGS M, CGS M or IPS 1 award ends in December following the announcement of the results.
  • If you have not yet begun the program of studies, you may take up the award on either the first day of the May, September or January academic term following the announcement of the results.
    • If you anticipate that you will not be able to complete your degree requirements by December 31, you must decline the award. However, you may apply again in the following competition as long as you remain eligible.
  • PGS A, PGS M and CGS M holders: Be aware that starting your PGS A, PGS M or CGS M in January might result in a four-month period of zero funding from NSERC if you successfully apply for a PGS D/CGS D.

TopValue and Duration of Award

  • The value and duration of your award are detailed in your Notice of Award, and may be adjusted to take into account a change in your registration status (e.g., early completion of your degree, termination of your graduate studies program or other reasons). NSERC will contact you to reclaim any overpayment of your award.
  • PGS A: Award holders should note that their scholarship support will not extend beyond the 28th month of their master's program. If you have completed more than four months full-time equivalent in a master's program at the time you take up your award, the normal 24-month duration will be decreased by the number of months, in excess of four, that have been completed at that time.

    Request for the balance of the PGS A support if the duration of your award is less than the maximum of 24 months: You can request the balance of the award if you transfer to a doctoral program during the term of your award, or if you complete your master's degree prior to the termination of your award and continue immediately into a doctoral degree program.

Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension

  • PGS M: Award holders should note that scholarship support will not extend beyond the 28th month of their master's program.

Possible extension of PGS M: Award holders who applied for the award before starting their graduate studies and held it during the entire first 12 months of their graduate studies, or who began their graduate studies in the January academic session immediately following the application deadline and held the award within the first 16 months of their graduate studies, may request a Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension ($17,300) for a maximum of 12 months. To request the extension, submit a completed Request for a Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension (Form 5) eight weeks prior to the end of your award. The extension must be requested while the PGS M is active. If you hold the extension, you will be eligible for a maximum of two years PGS D or CGS D funding.

Stipend Increase to PGS D Level

  • Request for a stipend increase to the PGS D level: PGS A, PGS M and Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension holders who transfer from a master's degree into a doctoral program, who complete their master's degree in less than the maximum duration of their award and proceed into a doctoral program, or who enrol directly in a doctoral program following completion of their bachelor's degree may be eligible to have their stipend increased to the PGS D level for the balance of the PGS A, PGS M or Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension. You must have completed a minimum of 12 months of graduate studies and have been admitted unconditionally and be registered in the doctoral program. This increase in stipend is not automatic; you must request it while your PGS A, PGS M or Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension is active.

    Students who receive the increase must still apply successfully for a PGS D if they wish to receive continued support beyond the term of the PGS A, PGS M or Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension.

  • To request the balance of the award or an increased stipend, complete a Request for Increased Stipend/Balance of Award (Form 9) and submit it to NSERC.

TopPart-time Postgraduate Scholarship Support

  • PGS support is available to those who are restricted to part-time studies for reasons of disability or family responsibilities. For students whose request for part-time status is approved by NSERC, the stipend will be the equivalent of a full-time award spread over a longer period of time. No employment is permitted during tenure of the award without NSERC's prior authorization. All other PGS regulations will apply. Top
  • Disability
    • For purposes of holding an award part-time, disability is defined as: "a functional limitation resulting from a physical, sensory or mental impairment, which, for an indefinite period, affects the ability of the student to perform the activities necessary to participate fully in his or her learning."
    • If you intend to pursue part-time graduate studies in a field supported by NSERC because a disability prevents you from pursuing a full-time program of studies, you must have a Medical Certification to Hold an NSERC PGS/CGS/PDF on a Part-time Basis for Reasons of Disability (Form 4) completed by the qualified health professional most familiar with your situation. That person must mail the form directly to NSERC or return it to you in a sealed envelope to be forwarded to NSERC. This form will be treated as a confidential document to be used only by NSERC staff when considering your eligibility to hold your award on a part-time basis.
    • Your institution must write a letter supporting your request to pursue part-time graduate studies.Top
  • Family Responsibilities
    • For purposes of holding an award part-time, family responsibility is defined as: "the primary responsibility for providing the personal care to a dependent family member (e.g., pre-school children or infirm spouse or parent) which affects the ability of the student to perform the activities necessary to participate fully in his or her learning."
    • As an award holder, you must write to NSERC justifying your need to hold your award part-time for family responsibilities. A letter supporting your request must also be sent by your institution.

TopDeferment of Award

  • Before commencing your award, you may request permission to defer it for up to three years, but only for reasons of maternity, child rearing, illness or health-related family responsibilities. You may not defer your award in order to take up another award or to accept or hold employment or to pursue studies other than those for which you received funding.
  • You must complete a Request for Deferment or Interruption of Award (Form 3) and send it to NSERC for approval as soon as possible, but no later than October 1 of the year of the original award. Supporting documentation (e.g., birth, adoption or medical certificate) confirming the reason for deferment must also be included with the request.
  • If you are currently registered in the program for which funding was awarded, you must obtain an authorized leave of absence from your institution. NSERC will not defer your award otherwise.
  • Even though you intend to defer your award, you must submit confirmation to NSERC that you have completed, by December 31 of the year of the original award, all requirements of your previous degree (if not already submitted with your application), or your award will be cancelled.

TopPayment of Award

  • To activate your award, complete a Request for First Instalment (Form 1B) and submit it to NSERC's Scholarships and Fellowships Division between four and six weeks prior to the date on which you intend to take up your award. No payment will be made until NSERC has received the required documentation.
  • Before you may take up your award, you must provide confirmation, from the Dean of Graduate Studies of the institution at which you will hold the award, that the graduate school has admitted you unconditionally with full-time graduate student status to engage in a program of study and research in a discipline acceptable to NSERC. See Request for First Instalment (Form 1B).
  • If you wish to transfer to a different institution/location of research, see Change of Institution/Location of Research.

TopSubsequent Instalments

  • Payment requests should be submitted to NSERC between four and six weeks prior to the instalment issue date (as indicated in the payment schedule below).
  • To initiate subsequent instalments, submit the duly completed and signed Request for Subsequent Instalment and Reinstatement of Award (Form 2) for the second, fourth and sixth instalments, or an Annual Progress Report/Request for Subsequent Instalment (Form 7) for the third and fifth instalments.
  • NSERC may adjust the value of your award to take into account any change in your period of tenure.
  • NSERC may cancel your award without further notice if the payment request is overdue by four months or more.
Payment Schedule

For tenure beginning in:
First instalment 
to be issued at the end of:
Subsequent instalment
to be issued at the end of:

TopMailing Address for Cheques

  • Instalment cheques will be issued in your name and mailed to the address indicated on the Request for First Instalment (Form 1B).
    Please note: Award holders attending institutions outside of Canada will receive their instalments in the currency of the country corresponding to the cheque address they provide (e.g., an award holder attending Oxford University and having provided a UK cheque address will be paid in Pounds Sterling [PS]). Those wishing to be paid in Canadian funds must provide a Canadian cheque address.
  • If you change your address during tenure of the award, you should indicate your revised address on a Request for Subsequent Instalments and Reinstatement of Award (Form 2) or on an Annual Progress Report/Request for Subsequent Instalment (Form 7).

TopInterruption of Award

  • You may only interrupt an active award.
  • You may interrupt your award only for the reasons described in: Unpaid Leave for Reasons of Maternity, Child Rearing, Illness or Health-Related Family Responsibilities; Paid Parental Leave; and Leave for Relevant Work Experience.
  • You must obtain approval from NSERC prior to any interruption of your award.
  • For approved interruptions, NSERC will suspend payment of your award for the duration of the interruption and will resume payment when all the conditions of your award are met, generally, on your return to full-time studies. The interruption will not reduce the total amount of support available to you.
  • For the purpose of determining eligibility for future NSERC scholarships, approved interruptions will not count when the number of months spent in graduate studies is being calculated, regardless of your registration status.
  • You may not interrupt your award in order to take up another award or to pursue studies other than those for which you received funding.
  • To request an interruption, you must fill out a Request for Deferment or Interruption of Award (Form 3) and submit it to NSERC, along with supporting documentation such as birth or medical certificates.
  • Approval of all leaves is conditional on your institution permitting such leaves.

TopUnpaid Leave for Reasons of Maternity, Child Rearing, Illness or Health-Related Family Responsibilities

  • You are eligible for a leave of absence of up to three years, in accordance with your institution's policies for reasons of maternity, child rearing, illness or health-related family responsibilities, provided your institution permits such leaves.
  • To request this leave of absence, you must submit in advance the duly completed Request for Deferment or Interruption of Award (Form 3) to NSERC, supported by the Dean of Graduate Studies. You must also provide supporting documentation, such as birth or medical certificates, justifying and substantiating the reason for interrupting your award.

TopPaid Parental Leave

  • If you will be interrupting your studies/award within six months following a child's birth or adoption in order to be the primary caregiver for the child, you may request a paid parental leave supplement at your current stipend level for up to four months.
  • You may not receive this supplement while your award is being deferred.
  • The maximum period of paid leave is four months, even in cases of multiple births or adoption of more than one child at the same time.
  • If both parents are supported by NSERC, each parent may take a portion of the leave, for a combined maximum duration of four months.
  • To request the paid parental leave, you must submit in advance the duly completed Request for Deferment or Interruption of Award (Form 3) to NSERC, along with a letter in which you confirm that:
    • during the parental leave, you will not be engaged in your research activities or employed;
    • you will be the primary caregiver of your child during the parental leave; and
    • you are not eligible for and will not receive employment insurance or other maternity/parental benefits from other sources.
  • Please request the paid parental leave at least four months before the proposed start date of the leave.
  • As soon as possible after the birth/adoption of the child, you must submit a copy of the child's birth/adoption certificate to NSERC in order to activate payment.

TopLeave for Relevant Work Experience

  • You may interrupt your award to obtain relevant work experience.
  • You are not entitled to receive your award payments during such interruptions.
  • To request an interruption, you must submit the duly completed Request for Deferment or Interruption of Award (Form 3) to NSERC.
  • To request an interruption of your award for this leave, you must notify NSERC four weeks in advance in writing, and your request must be supported by your supervisor and the Dean of Graduate Studies. See Parts II and III of Request for Deferment or Interruption of the Award (Form 3).
  • You are permitted one four-month interruption for this type of leave during your master's studies, and two four-month interruptions for this type of leave during your doctoral studies.
  • No two periods of leave for work experience can be consecutive.
  • You must be registered for at least the equivalent of one full-time academic term between the interruptions.

TopVacation Leave

  • Your institution's regulations will apply with respect to vacation leave.

TopReinstatement of Award

  • To reinstate a deferred or interrupted award, you must send NSERC a duly completed Request for Subsequent Instalments and Reinstatement of Award (Form 2) at least eight weeks before resuming your studies or research. Before your instalment payment can be issued, you must also provide confirmation from your institution (Faculty of Graduate Studies) that you have resumed the studies or research for which the funds were awarded. See also Payment of Award.
  • Awards will be governed by the regulations applicable at the time of reinstatement.

TopChange of Research Project

  • If your program of studies or research is in a discipline that falls under the mandate of more than one federal granting agency (e.g., psychology, management studies, geography, physical education, optometry or health sciences), you must obtain prior approval from NSERC to change your research project.
  • To request a change of research project, send a one-page outline of the proposed research, including the proposed supervisor's name, to NSERC.
  • If you modify your research project to the extent that the field of study is not under NSERC's mandate, you will no longer be eligible to hold the award and it will be cancelled.

TopChange of Institution/Location of Research

  • If you wish to change your institution of tenure/research location, you must obtain prior approval from NSERC to confirm the eligibility of your proposed research and your eligibility to hold the award at the new institution. Such requests should be made as soon as possible, preferably eight weeks prior to your start or transfer date. See also Change of Research Project.
    • To change your institution before submitting a Request for First Instalment (Form 1B), you must:
      • Indicate the new institution on a Request for First Instalment Form 1B. Part II of the form is to be completed by an authorized official at the new institution.
      • If the new institution is outside Canada, you must submit a new justification for location of tenure and a letter from a Canadian authority in support of the change.
    • To change your institution after having submitted Form 1B, you must send the following documentation to NSERC:
      • the duly completed and signed Request to Change Institution/Location of Research (Form 6), supported by the heads of the department of the original and the proposed institution;
      • a letter justifying your reasons for the change; and
      • a letter signed by the Dean of Graduate Studies at the proposed institution confirming unconditional admission.
      • If the new institution is outside Canada, you must submit a new justification for location of tenure and a letter from a Canadian authority in support of the change.
  • PGS A, PGS M or Postgraduate Scholarship M Extension holders:
    • If you have completed your master's degree before the end of your award and want to use the balance of your award to commence your doctoral program, you do not need to include a letter justifying the reasons for the change.

TopOther Sources of Income (Employment and Other Awards)

  • NSERC expects PGS holders to devote the majority of their time to the expeditious completion of their degree program. NSERC limits the number of hours of employment per 12-month period to 450 hours.
  • You must not hold full-time employment during any period of time in which you hold the NSERC award.
  • You may not concurrently hold another award from NSERC or from another Canadian federal granting agency (CIHR or SSHRC). You may, however, accept awards from other sources, regardless of value (e.g., foreign sources, provincial awards, private organizations, your institution, etc).
  • Payment of the award during paid internships and co-op work terms is permitted, regardless of your registration status, provided that they are a requirement of your program of studies.
  • You may not accept remuneration or supplements paid from other NSERC grants, whether paid as a scholarship or salary.
  • Part-time PGS holders: No employment is permitted during tenure of the award without NSERC's prior authorization.

TopAnnual Progress Reports

  • NSERC requires an annual progress report to be submitted on the anniversary date of your award. Please complete an Annual Progress Report/Request for Subsequent Instalment (Form 7) in conjunction with your supervisor and submit it to the Scholarships and Fellowships Division.
  • This report will serve as your request for the relevant instalment.
  • NSERC may cancel the award if your progress is judged unsatisfactory.

TopTermination of Award

  • If you terminate your full-time registration status or accept full-time employment before the end of the period covered by the award (except as permitted by regulations governing your award as outlined in Interruption of Award), you must submit to NSERC a completed Termination of Award (Form 8), indicating the date of termination.
  • If you accept full-time employment, regardless of whether you have completed your degree or not, your award will be terminated as of the effective date of your contract of employment. The value of the award will be prorated.
  • NSERC will contact you to reclaim any overpayment of your award.
  • If you have submitted your thesis, you are still eligible to receive your payments until the defence is successfully completed, provided you have not accepted full-time employment or started another program of studies, and you are still registered full-time in the graduate studies program for which funding was awarded.

TopTaxation and Other Issues


  • Most income you receive is taxable and you must include it on your income tax return. Taxable income includes scholarships and fellowships, as well as salaries and stipends. NSERC does not deduct any income tax at source (at time of payment), so you should plan accordingly for the possibility that you may owe tax at the time of filing your return.
  • NSERC will issue a T4A income tax slip to award holders it pays directly.
  • NSERC is unable to dispense advice on income tax matters to individual students and fellows, given the uniqueness of each award recipient's personal financial situation. Consequently, you are encouraged to seek advice from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or from a qualified income tax specialist.
  • You are referred to two documents published by the CRA:

Foreign Immigration and Taxation Regulations

  • If you hold or intend to hold your award at an institution outside Canada, you must contact the appropriate agencies for immigration and taxation regulations. NSERC cannot advise award holders on such matters.


  • NSERC is unable to assume liability for accidents, illness or losses that may occur during the tenure of an award. You are responsible for ensuring that you have appropriate insurance.
  • You are encouraged to communicate with your provincial health insurance office before leaving Canada; spending a significant length of time outside the country may impact the coverage available when you return.

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act

  • We encourage you to read these acts as they pertain to application information.

Table of Contents | Where Can I Get More Information?
Introduction | General Regulations

Updated:  2006-03-14

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Important Notices