Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

October 18, 2006

Additional Information

Health - 750


Saskatchewan residents can expect to see more health professionals coming to
work in the province, making life better today for families and building a
better future here for our youth.

Health Minister Len Taylor today unveiled four innovative initiatives aimed at
attracting health professionals to Saskatchewan: (a
provincial recruitment agency); the Saskatchewan Relocation Program; the
Saskatchewan Rural, Northern and Hard-to-Recruit Program; and an expansion of
clinical placement capacity. is a no-fee health care recruitment website connecting
health professionals with career opportunities in regional health authorities
and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency.

"Keeping and attracting key health providers as a means of ensuring timely
access to quality health care is a top priority of this government," Taylor
said. "The establishment of a new provincial recruitment agency will support
the recruitment activities already underway in the regional health authorities
and will accelerate our ability to reach a wider audience."

The other initiatives flow from the $25 million retention and recruitment plan
announced in September, and will support the provincial recruitment agency and
the health regions in their recruitment efforts. Through the following two
programs the government is targeting to recruit 600 new health employees to
fill vacancies over the next two years -- approximately 400 nurses and 200
employees from the broader health workforce. The cost for these two programs
is estimated at $6 million over the next two years.

These programs are designed to build an overall capacity in the province by
welcoming new employees, particularly those who used to reside in
Saskatchewan; retain graduates from Saskatchewan health programs; build
capacity in northern and rural locations; enhance recruitment to
hard-to-recruit positions in Saskatoon and Regina; and retain current
employees by filling vacancies, a move which should assist current employees
with workload and an ability to plan vacation time.

The Saskatchewan Relocation Program allows health workforce employees residing
outside Saskatchewan to apply for up to $5,000 to assist with relocation
costs, in return for a one-year commitment to work in Saskatchewan.

The Saskatchewan Rural, Northern and Hard-to-Recruit Program provides health
workforce employees living in or outside Saskatchewan with a
return-for-service grant, in exchange for accepting a northern, rural or
hard-to-recruit position within the province.

Health workforce employees living in and outside Saskatchewan who agree to
work in northern Saskatchewan are eligible for $7,000 in exchange for a
one-year commitment to work in Saskatchewan, and $15,000 for a two-year

Health workforce employees living in and outside Saskatchewan who agree to
work in a rural position or in a hard-to-recruit position in either Regina or
Saskatoon are eligible for $5,000 in exchange for a one-year service
commitment and $10,000 for a two-year commitment.

Employees living in Saskatchewan who establish residence in northern or rural
communities are eligible for an additional $5,000 for a one-year service
commitment and $10,000 for a two-year commitment.

In addition, a $500,000 expansion of clinical placement capacity means
students in health programs can participate in placements in rural
communities, in Aboriginal communities and on interdisciplinary teams.

These programs have been designed and recommended by committees that were
established in September to provide advice to the Minister on how the $25
million retention and recruitment plan money should be directed, working with
in the framework of the nationally recognized strategy, the Health Workforce
Action Plan. In November these committees will focus on retention programs to
assist in keeping employees already working within Saskatchewan's health


For More Information, Contact:
Joan Petrie
Phone: (306) 787-4083
