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Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network & Partners Launch Unique Literacy Tool to Child Care Professionals Nationwide

TORONTO, April 30 /CNW/ - Researchers and partners with The Canadian
Language and Literacy Research Network are delighted to announce the launch of
a new calendar that translates cutting-edge research findings on language and
literacy development into fun, practical activities for child care
professionals to use with children in their care.

"The calendar is part of an effort to foster the language and literacy
development of preschoolers during their critical early years by mobilizing
research findings in real-world settings," says Elaine Weitzman, Executive
Director for The Hanen Centre in Toronto, one of the main partners in the
calendar project. The team from The Hanen Centre, along with Network
researcher, Luigi Girolametto of the University of Toronto and The Canadian
Language and Literacy Research Network, launch the calendar on Friday, April
30, 2004 in Toronto, Ontario at a half-day seminar entitled, Helping young
children learn language and literacy skills.

With Network researchers so directly involved, the historical statistical
time frame of 10 to 15 years from research to practice has been cut to less
than two years.

"The calendar facilitates the transfer of knowledge from the research
arena to everyday classroom practices in record time," says Luigi Girolametto,
one of the 10 researchers who contributed research findings to the calendar
project. "Early childhood educators will use many of the research-based
activities to enhance children's progress in language and language-based
skills, such as peer interaction and early literacy."

The calendar project evolved from a research symposium sponsored by The
Network in October 2002. Presented by Network partners, The Hanen Centre and
University of Toronto, the symposium brought leading experts from Canada and
the United States together to share the most up-to-date findings on how
language and literacy development can best be supported in child care
environments. The proceedings of the symposium were published by The Hanen
Centre in partnership with The Network and University of Toronto, and set the
stage for the development of this calendar that brings research to life - and
to the frontline child care workers, clinicians and educators who have daily
interaction with children.

The bilingual calendar presents the latest research information in a
practical and colourful format that is easy to use in a child care centre,
classroom, lunchroom, parent area or professional development workshop
environment. Each month and week of the 16-month calendar (September 2004-
December 2005) feature tips and techniques that child care professionals can
implement immediately.

User groups are enthusiastic about the new tool. "This new calendar is a
great resource for our early childhood educators because it will help our
preschoolers to grow and develop and be better prepared for success in school
and in life," says Susan Wray, Family Services Coordinator of the London
Bridge Child Care Services in London, Ontario.

To receive a complimentary printed copy of this calendar, contact The
Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network, or
519.850.2524. The current calendar is also available in an electronic format
(personal, non-commercial use) from The Network's Web site (Resource focus area). Additional information is
available from The Hanen Centre's Web site

Beginning in 2006 the calendar will only be available in electronic
downloadable format from The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network
Web site.

The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network facilitated
sponsorship and production of the calendar and is overseeing distribution with
its many partners. The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network brings
together leading scientists, clinicians, students and educators as well as
public and private partners. Its mandate is to generate, integrate and
disseminate bias-free scientific research and knowledge that is focused on
improving and sustaining children's language and literacy development in
Canada. The Network is made possible through funding from the Networks of
Centres of Excellence Canada (NCE). The NCE program is a joint initiative of
the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
and Industry Canada.

For further information: please contact Jill Wright, Communications
Officer, Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network,
or (519) 850.2524

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LAST MODIFIED: March 15 2006 13:57:28

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