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Performance Indicators for Governance

An annual Performance Indicators Report has been presented to the University of Toronto Governing Council since 1998. The University continues to be a leader in the post-secondary sector in Ontario in providing reports of this nature as part of our accountability to governance. The indicators in these reports have changed over the years as we have expanded the scope of areas that we have sought to measure, have enhanced our data collection and created partnerships with other institutions and agencies that allow for external benchmarking.

The Performance Indicator Report is part of a much larger set of reports received by Governing Council and its Boards and Committees.  The list of accountability reports at the University of Toronto can be viewed here:

There is also a significant system of program, department and faculty reviews that assesses the strength and quality of our activities. The Performance Indicators report reflects a very small and selected view of the quality of the institution that is much more apparent in these in-depth appraisals. The reviews are presented and discussed annually by the Committee on Academic Programs and Policy.

