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While in Grad School

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While in Grad School

Toronto is the fifth largest city in North America and the most culturally diverse city in the world.The many different neighbourhoods and ethnic communities in this intimate metropolis, like the university’s individual colleges and departments, create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Size does have an advantage though: the city offers over 1,000 festivals every year, architecture, an amazing array of parks and world class cuisine – all of it accessible by the Toronto transit system’s network of subways, buses and streetcars. Join us for your graduate education and become part of a world-class community.

  • Graduate Student InitiativeIn partnership with the Graduates Students' Union and School of Graduate Studies, this program is specifically designed by Student Services to offer workshops, social events and online resources to enhance the graduate student experience.
  • Graduate Students' UnionThe Graduate Students' Union at University of Toronto represents over 11,000 students studying in over 70 departments. For many years this union has advocated for increased student representation, funding and provided services such as health insurance, confidential advice and a voice for the graduate student body on the various committees of the university.
  • Grad EscapesFlee the stacks! Leave the lab! Disconnect yourself from the PC and come explore Toronto's great cultural riches in the company of other stressed out grad students.
  • Training Programs for Graduate Students in University TeachingGraduate students interested in improving their teaching skills can do so through a variety of courses and training programs