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The City

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Toronto - Your City

Home to more than 100 cultures, Toronto truly is the world within a city. 

It is the most ethnically diverse city in the world, according to the United Nations. A remarkable 41 per cent of its population was born outside of Canada. And what a city this mix has produced. Fortune Magazine has ranked Toronto first overall in its international survey of the best cities in which to live and work, calling it, among other things, the safest city in North America. The New York Times had the following to say about Toronto: “This is a city of immigrants without slums, without graffiti, and without gridlock, dynamic but seldom frenetic, a metropolis with clean air and healthy downtown neighbourhoods. In short a city that works.” But it isn’t that Uof T just happens to be located here. Describing the relationship between the university and the city, Canada’s most respected contemporary journalist, Robert Fulford, writes: “The university stands at the heart of Toronto, geographically, spiritually and professionally.”

Green Facts
Almost more park than city, Toronto has close to 10,000 acres of parkland. Fortune Magazine cites the city's "ecological correctness" as one of its chief attributes. U of T has taken a strong leadership postition in this area, recently remodeling part of its downtown campus, reducing the number of motor vehicle street lanes in favour of bike and rollerblade lanes and greenspace.    

Safe, Efficient Transit

Toronto's public transportation system, one of the safest in the world, is North America's largest transit system after New York.