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Accessibility Services

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The University of Toronto is dedicated to the protection of individual human rights and to the principles of equal opportunity. Accessibility Services ensure equal access to all aspects of university life for students with disabilities. The service provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations to persons who have disabilities, and works as a coordinating and advising body to assist with inclusion.

Accessibility Services are confidential. All information about a student’s disability is confidential and is not shared with departments outside the service without the student’s consent.

Accessibility Services

St. George Accessibility Services

Located on the first floor of Robarts Library, Accessibility Services focuses on skills development, especially in the areas of self-advocacy and academic skills. Services are provided to students who have a physical, sensory, or learning disability, mental health disability, acquired brain injury or chronic health condition as well as students who have temporary disabilities such as a broken dominant arm. The Service provides a wide range of academic support including:
  • Learning disability assessments
  • Adaptive technology – assessments and assistive devices
  • Alternative test and examination arrangements
  • Volunteer note-taking services
  • Sign-language interpreters
  • Information on disability-related issues
  • Liaison with academic and administrative offices within the University and with off-campus agencies
  • On-campus transportation

To access the Service, students meet with a Disability Advisor to discuss individual needs, accommodations and strategies for success. Where appropriate, eligible students are referred to one of the professionals on staff such as the Learning Disability Specialist or Occupational Therapist.

UTM AccessAbility Resource Centre

UTM AccessAbility is committed to include students who have disabilities in all aspects of campus life (including physical access and equitable learning opportunities). The Centre provides services to students who have a physical, sensory, or learning disability, mental health disability, acquired brain injury, chronic health condition (be it a visible or hidden condition) and for students who have temporary disabilities (e.g. broken dominant arm). Students seeking support must have an intake interview with a disability advisor to discuss their individual needs. Services to students include:

  • Alternative test and examination arrangements
  • Note-taking and volunteer services
  • Access to an academic skills strategist
  • Evaluation of needs for assistive technology
  • Access to registered psychologists for psychoeducational assessments and consultations
  • Information and resource materials on disabilities, health considerations and disability related issues

UTSC AccessAbility Services

UTSC AccessAbility Services focuses on skills development, especially in areas of self-advocacy and academic skills. The essence of accommodating people who have disabilities is individualization, thus our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Counselling to develop strategies to succeed at university
  • Learning disability assessments and learning skills support services
  • Alternative test and examination arrangements
  • Note-taking services
  • Assistive Technology – assessments and access to assistive devices
  • Transcription of print material into alternative formats
  • Facilitating a barrier-free environment
  • Referrals within the university and to community organizations
  • Disability resources and information on disability-related issues
  • Volunteer Opportunities

How do I qualify to use the Service?

AccessAbility Services provides support to students who have a physical, sensory, mental health or learning disability, acquired brain injury or chronic health condition as well as students who have temporary disabilities such as a broken dominant arm.

How do I register with the Service?

It is vitally important that students discuss their needs as early as possible with the service in order to put accommodations in place.

  1. Contact the office at 416-287-7560 or and make an appointment to meet with a counsellor to discuss individual needs, accommodations, and strategies for success.
  2. Bring updated documentation detailing your disability, how it impacts upon your education, and what accommodations are recommended.

Students can access an online medical certificate on the AccessAbility Services Web site (click online forms). If you do not have medical documentation you may be referred to a specialist to assist you with documentation