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Practice Safe Computing

 > Students > Internet and E-mail > Practice Safe Computing

In this age of viruses, worms, hackers, crackers and swindlers, computer security has taken on an unprecedented urgency. It's not only files that run; web pages that students visit on the Internet may contain malicious content, scripts can be embedded within HTML formatted email message bodies, and some email programs can be tricked into running raw code hidden within the message itself.

The importance of safe computing cannot be underestimated, which is why the University of Toronto makes a concerted effort to ensure secure, stable computing for its students. The following links provide important information and resources to help students defend against viruses, spyware, phisphers and other threats to the well being of their computers and information.


UTORprotect is a collection of computer security-related resources including browser security, email security, malicious programs (viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, and other nasties), phishing, spam and spyware.

Connect Safely with Anti-Virus Software

Symantec ® Anti-Virus (SAV) software is available free to faculty, staff and all students enrolled in degree-granting programs of the University for both on- and off-campus computers.

Users must enter their UTORid and password before they can download the SAV software. To obtain an UTORid, go to the UTORid management page and follow the "create a UTORid" link.

NOTE: Before downloading SAV, please uninstall any other anti-virus program already installed on your computer. Anti-virus programs are generally incompatible with each other, and installing them together may cause serious system issues.

Online Harrassment: 'Enough'

Unsolicited electronic communication that is unwanted, persistent, repeated, abusive, obscene or otherwise unwelcome may be actionable under University policy. The Enough Web site offers numerous resources, frequently-asked-questions and university policies to inform U of T community members on their rights and possible courses of action when dealing with online harassment.