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Loans, Grants and Scholarships

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The University of Toronto strives to attract students of high academic caliber, and is committed to ensuring that potential candidates do not hesitate to apply because of financial reasons. As a result, a wide range of financial support is available to assist students with educational expenses so that they can pursue their academic goals.

Awards Offices

Admissions and Awards

Admissions and Awards provides important information about applying to the University of Toronto and financing your education.

UTM Office of the Registrar

The UTM Web site offers useful links, tools, and resources to assist students in fulfilling the financial commitment that comes with the decision to pursue a university education.

UTSC Financial Aid: Fees and Awards

The financial aid staff at UTSC will assist students with individual counselling appointments, group workshops and seminars such as, budget advice and assistance, emergency assistance and general advice on financing their education. To book an appointment with financial aid staff, call (416) 287-7001 and press 0.

What’s what in the world of awards and financial aid?


Scholarship programs recognize outstanding achievements at different levels of studies. The University, its colleges and faculties, award approximately 1500 admission scholarships and more than 2,300 in course scholarships every year.

For a listing of awards, visit the Admissions and Award site.

Loans and Grants

OSAP: Ontario Student Assistance Program

The OSAP program offers financial assistance (loans) to assist students in financing their post-secondary studies. Students must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or convention refugees, as well as residents of Ontario. OSAP is available to students that maintain a 60% course load or a 40%  if you have a permanent disability.

UTAPS: University of Toronto Advance Planning for Students

U of T is committed to the principle that students should have the finacial support necessary to allow them to enter and complete their programs.  The first part of that support is typically government student aid, with additional UTAPS grant support provided by the University to students whose assessed need is greater than government aid will cover.  You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and enrolled in full-time studies to qualify for UTAPS.


Grants are non-repayable sums of money provided by the University to assist students who encounter financial difficulties. Grant funds are designed to assist those students who have explored all other avenues of financial assistance (i.e., OSAP, family support, summer and part-time work) and still have financial need. If students are ineligible for OSAP, they may still be considered for a grant.


Work-Study provides students with on campus, part-time jobs in career related areas. To be eligible for the positions, students must demonstrate financial need.

Special Programs

Financial Aid for De-regulated Tuition Programs
(Includes Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy and Master of Health Science)

Noah Meltz Program of Financial Assistance for Part-Time Undergraduate Students

Emergency Funds

The University can provide emergency assistance for students who are in temporary financial need. (e.g., short term loans, bursaries, food vouchers, etc).