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Student Services

 > Students > Services and Links > Student Services
  • Office of Student ServicesStudent Services offers a full range of services in the areas of career development, housing, learning skills, health, personal and emotional development, family concerns and support for Aboriginal and international students.
  • Career CentreThe Career Centre Web site provides information on a full range of services including the Centre's programs, and current work opportunities.
  • Counselling & Learning Skills ServiceThe Counselling and Learning Skills Service (CALSS) is the professional counselling service for students of the University of Toronto.
  • Family Care OfficeThe Family Care Office provides free confidential information, guidance, referrals and advocacy for students, staff, faculty and their families.
  • First Nations HouseFirst Nations House is a dynamic place where Aboriginal students from many Nations across Canada can seek culturally appropriate services.
  • Health ServiceThe Health Service offers a wide range of services for students. The health team includes a medical professionals with a variety of specialties.
  • International Student CentreISC provides services that promote and support international education. All members of the university community are welcome to come to the ISC.
  • Psychiatric ServiceWith expertise in a variety of therapeutic methods, the Psychiatric Service offers assessment and treatment of emotional and psychological concerns.
  • Student Housing ServiceThe Student Housing Service is the main source of information regarding on-campus residences and off-campus housing.
  • First Year Initiative (FYI)FYI is a program developed by the Office of Student Services to help students make the transition to university.
  • Graduate Student Initiative (GSI)The GSI program is designed to offer workshops, social events, and other resources to enhance the graduate student’s experience.