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Advice on Academic Writing

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Planning & Organizing | Reading & Researching | Using Sources | Specific Types of Writing
Style & Editing | Grammar & Punctuation | ESL Answers | Further Resources

These files answer the kinds of questions that University of Toronto students ask about their written assignments. Most were created by writing instructors here--people who are familiar with U of T expectations. But you will also find links to good advice from writing instructors at other institutions.

Planning and Organizing


Reading and Researching


Using Sources


Specific Types of Writing


Style and Editing


Grammar and Punctuation

These files will give you places to start in finding advisory material about correct language use. The first one was developed specifically to remind University of Toronto students of the points that bother U of T instructors. The rest come from other institutions. Browse to see what suits your needs; then you can use individual files to look up questions or review points.


Some Answers for Writers of English as a Second Language


Further Writing Resources

[ See also Writing Links ]
U. of T. Writing Home
Site created by Dr. Margaret Procter, Coordinator, Writing Support,
and administered by Jerry Plotnick
Site Credits
Last modified June 17, 2006
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