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Arts & Culture

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Provost's Message

The variety, quality and number of arts events at the University of Toronto contribute in many ways to the whole community's vibrancy. more. . .


In Focus

The Orphan Muses UC Drama Program Graduating Class production runs Jan 31 - Feb 11, Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse

Rocky Horror Show
The cult classic receives a three week run Jan 18 - Feb 4; 8 pm. Hart HouseTheatre.

Calendar of Events

Quantal Strife, installations at Doris McCarthy Gallery, Jan 19 - Mar 18

Shouldice Designer Stone Lecture, Renee Daoust, Jan 31, ALD

Dialogue with Poetry, Feb. 1, St. Michael's College

More events . . .

Faculty of Music 2005-06 Season

UTSC Cultural Events Calendar

UTM Events Calendar

Hart House What's On