
Who We Are

The Ethics Review Office (ERO) is responsible for providing the support and resources necessary to uphold the highest ethical and regulatory standards of research involving human or animal subjects, or using biohazardous materials at the University of Toronto. We are here to assist faculty members, staff and students through the ethical review process, from the preparation of a protocol submission to the final approval of the research and beyond. We also facilitate the review process conducted by our five Research Ethics Boards (REBs), six Local Animal Care Committees (LACCs), University Animal Care Committee (UACC), and help to develop and enforce policies and procedures at the university which are in compliance with national and international guidelines. Finally, we are here as a resource to all university researchers in understanding the whys and hows of research ethics and ethics review.

Contact Us

For direct assistance on any ethics-related matter, please contact the appropriate staff member, listed in our directory, or call us on our main line at 416-946-3273. General email inquiries should be directed to ethics.review@utoronto.ca. Our fax number is 416-946-5763. We are located in the basement of Simcoe Hall at 27 King's College Circle, Room 10A, Toronto, ON M5S 1A1, and the office is open from 8:45am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

About Our Site

We hope that the information provided on this site will be useful to all faculty, staff and students conducting research with human or animal subjects, or using biohazardous materials. Our policies are important to keep in mind when planning and executing research activities. Our links to educational resources and national and international policies provide necessary information on the fundamentals of research involving humans or animals, and what our Research Ethics Boards (REBs) or Animal Care Committees (ACCs) are looking for when reviewing a protocol.

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