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Centres & Institutes

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Centres and Institutes

Aboriginal Studies, Centre for

Aerospace Studies, Institute for
Asian Institute

Bioethics, Joint Centre for
Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Institute of (IBBME)

Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Canadian Music, Institute of
Cellular and Biomolecular Research, Terrence Donnelly Centre for
Child Study, Institute of (ICS)
Communication and Culture, Institute of (UTM)
Comparative Literature, Centre for
Criminology, Centre of
Culture, Communication and Information Technology (UTM)

Dental Research Institute
Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Centre for
Drama, Graduate Centre for the Study of
Drug Research, Institute for

Economics and Public Affairs, Centre for
Emerging Communication Technology Institute
Environment, Centre for
Ethics, Centre for
European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Centre for
European Studies, Institute of

Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Science

Global Change Science, Centre for
Graduate Studies, School of

Health Promotion, Centre for
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute for the
Humanities Centre

Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Centre for
Innovation Law and Policy, Centre for (CILP)
International Health, Centre for
International Studies, Centre for

Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI)

Lassonde Institute
Life Course and Aging, Institute for

Medical Science, Institute of
Medieval Studies, Centre for
Molecular Medicine, McLaughlin Centre for
Munk Centre for International Studies

Neurobiology of Stress, Centre for the (UTSC)
Nuclear Engineering, Centre for

Optical Sciences, Institute for

Pain, Centre for the Study of
Peace and Conflict Studies, Trudeau Centre for
Policy Analysis, Institute for
Pulp and Paper Centre

Quantum Information and Quantum Control, Centre for

Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Centre for
Religion, Centre for the Study of
Research in Education, Centre for (Faculty of Medicine)
Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Centre for
Research in Women’s Health, Centre for
Risk Management Institute

Sexual Diversity Studies, Centre for
South Asian Studies, Centre for

Theoretical Astrophysics, Canadian Institute for (CITA)
Transitional Year Program (TYP)

United States, Centre for the Study of the
Urban and Community Studies, Centre for
Urban Health Initiatives, Centre for
Urban Schooling, Centre for (OISE/UT)

Women’s Studies and Gender Studies, Institute for
Women's Studies in Education, Centre for (OISE/UT)