Internal Programs

What is Connaught?


For over 30 years, the Connaught Fund has served as a symbol of research excellence and a special resource for support of research, scholarship and graduate study at the University of Toronto. Overseen by the Connaught Committee, a special committee of Governing Council, and its five Review Panels, use of this endowed fund relies heavily on peer review to allocate awards through various granting programs.

Since its inception, the Connaught Fund, through its various granting programs, has invested over $101 million in superb U of T scholars and their research and has played a significant role in the development of important research initiatives across all disciplines.

The Annual Report of the Connaught Fund provides a historical overview of the evolving research priorities and niche research funding requirements at the University of Toronto. It also demonstrates an unwavering dedication to recognizing, supporting and promoting the very best in research and graduate training.

The History of Connaught

The Connaught Fund originated from the sale of the university's Connaught Laboratories in 1972 for approximately $29M. The Fund is a precious and unique resource which helps to set the Universisty of Toronto apart as Canada's leading research-intensive university with faculty and students whose exellence is acknowledged internationally. The Connaught Committee oversees use of this endowed fund and invests its proceeds in the reseach and scholarship of the university's most outstanding faculty members gradate students. The Committee relies heavily on peer review, taking award recommendations from its four Review Panels who, in turn, solicit input from international experts. For over 30 years, the Connaught Fund has been a means of bestowing honour, prestige and practical assistance within our research community and of allaying at least partially, the vicissitudes in public research funding. It is a cornerstone of excellence at the University of Toronto.