Research Centres

Advanced Coating Technologies, Centre for
Aerospace Studies, Institute for
Aging, Sunnybrook Centre for studies in
Applied Power Electronics, Centre for
Asian Institute

Banting and Best Diabetes Centre
Bioethics, Joint Centre for
Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Institute of
Book, Toronto Centre for the
Business Effectiveness and Board Effectiveness, Clarkson Centre for
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Canadian Music, Institute for
Capital Markets Institute
Cellular and Biomolecular Research, Terrence Donnelly Centre for
Comparative Literature, Centre for
Competitiveness and Prosperity, Institute for
Criminology, Centre of
Drosophila Microarray Centre, Canadian
Education (Medical), Centre for research in
Educational Change, International Centre for
Emerging Communications Technology Institute
Energenius Centre for Advanced Nanotechnology
Environment, Centre for
European, Russian and Eurasion, Centre for Studies
European Studies, Institute of
Evidence-Based Medicine, Centre for
Fields Institute(Mathematics), The
G8 Information Centre
Health Promotion, Centre for
Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre for Cardiovascular Research
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute for the
Hitachi Survey Research Centre
Human Development, Life Course and Aging, Institute for
Humanities Centre
Industrial Relations, Centre for
Information Studies, Centre for research into
Innovation Law and Policy, Centre for
Integrative and Anti-Racism Studies, Centre for
Intelligent Transportation Systems
International Business, Institute for
International Health, Faculty of Medicine, Centre for
International Studies, Centre for
Knowledge Innovation and Technology, Institute for
Knowledge Media and Design Institute
Laidlaw Centre (Institute of Child Study)
Landscape Research InterNetwork, Centre for
Lassonde Institute (Engineering Geoscience)
Lonergan Research Institute (Theology)
Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Centre for
Media and Culture in Education, Centre for
Medieval Studies, Centre for
Medical Science, Institute of
Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging, Centre for
Modern Language, Centre for
Molecular Design and Information Technology Center (MDIT)
Molecular Medicine, R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre for
Multimedia Centre for Learning in the Humanities
Munk Centre for International Studies
Neurobiology of Stress, Centre for the
Neurodegenerative Diseases, Centre for research in
Nuclear Engineering, Centre for
Pain, U of T Centre for the Study of
Policy Analysis, Institute for
Positron Emission Tomography Centre
Proteomics Research Centre
Pulp and Paper Centre
Reformation & Renaissance Studies, Centre for
Recherches en éducation franco-ontarienne, Centre de
Sable Centre for 19th-Century French Studies
Sleep Medicine and Circadian Biology, Centre for
Social Research, Centre for Applied
Society and Child Development, Atkinson Centre for
South Asian Studies, Centre for
Studies in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Imperial Oil Centre for
Study of Education and Work, Centre for
Study of Religion, Centre for the
Study of the United States, Centre for the
Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre
Teacher Development, Centre for
Technology and Social Development, Centre for
Telecommunications, Nortel Institute for
Transformative Learning Centre
Urban and Community Studies, Centre for
Women's Health, Centre for research in
Women’s Studies and Gender Studies, Institute for
Women's Studies in Education, Centre for