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Accountability Reports

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Measuring Our Performance

Every year, the University of Toronto makes a large amount of updated data available about its performance. Below, please find a series of reports that you can use to acquaint yourself with U of T, to measure our progress towards key goals, and to compare this University with others.

The University's main overarching report is:

There are many other specific annual reports, some examples include the following: 

  • Financial Reports, University of Toronto The financial statements present the University’s financial position and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles developed by The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.
  • National Student Engagement Survey (NSSE)This reports includes data from the University’s participation in the 2004 National Survey of Student Engagement to measure progress toward the student experience objectives identified in our academic plan.
  • Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) The University of Toronto, along with other research-intensive Canadian universities, participated in the Graduate and Professional Survey administered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The survey combines three pre-existing surveys that measured satisfaction of students enrolled in graduate programs.
  • Enrolment Report This report provides a detailed review and projection of the University’s enrolment statistics.
  • Degrees Awarded: Annual Report [pdf] This document reports on the number of degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded.
  • Graduation, Employment and OSAP Loan Default Rates This report describes key performance indicators issued by Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU).
  • Health and Safety Annual Report This annual report describes the environmental health and safety activities including activities undertaken to ensure compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Environmental Protection Act. It also summarizes our major activities in addressing health and safety issues at the University of Toronto.
  • Employment Equity Annual Report This report describes annual progress of the University’s employment equity program, including updates on the status of related initiatives and detailed statistical analysis of participation rates of Aboriginal People, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, sexual minorities and women in the University workplace.
  • Deferred Maintenance Annual Report [pdf] This annual report provides information on the state of the academic and administrative buildings of the University as part of the facilities condition assessment program. Each year, Ontario universities provide a report to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities on their deferred maintenance inventory. All facilities are assigned a numeric score called a facility condition index or FCI. The index for each building is determined by dividing the amount of deferred maintenance by the current replacement cost of the building. The FCI indices can be used for benchmarking with other institutions.
  • Ombudsperson and Administrative Response, Report of the University [pdf] This report informs the University community about the activities of the Ombudsperson's Office.
  • Vice-President and Chief Advancement Officer Report [pdf] This report describes the University’s annual fundraising and alumni activities.
  • Vice-President, Human Resources and Equity: Annual Report, 2005 [pdf] This annual report describes the University’s employment and labour relations activities, and its workplace policies and practices.
  • Vice-President Research: Annual Report [pdf] This report describes the work of the Vice President Research in support an academic environment conducive to the highest level of research and discovery.

If you are interested in U of T's position regarding University Report Cards, Ratings, Rankings, and Performance Measures please see the following: President’s Statement to Governing Council, Fall 2006.