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Did You Know?
  • On Tuesday, September 12, 2006, San Diego Judge John Houston granted the original Supernova group a preliminary injunction preventing the new band from performing, recording or selling merchandise with the Supernova name.
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Consumer Information

Fraud: Recognize it. Report it. Stop it.

The Canadian Marketing Association is pleased to provide you with information to help you better understand your rights as a consumer. Included in this section is information on protecting your personal information, making the shopping experience more enjoyable, and links to groups and agencies that help consumers. We hope you find the information and tips on this site useful.

The Canadian Marketing Association is the largest marketing association in Canada. Its 800 corporate members use a wide variety of ways to reach consumers with important information on their products and services such as addressed mail, telephone, television, radio, newspaper, magazines and the Internet. Member companies include Aeroplan, Sears, TD Bank, Reader's Digest, The Shopping Channel, Bell Canada and eBay.

CMA members must abide by a comprehensive Code of Ethics that requires a commitment to practise the highest standards of honesty, truth, accuracy and fairness in all customer dealings. CMA takes a leadership role in responding to consumer concerns and works hard to protect your right to privacy while allowing marketers to continue their legitimate business practices and contribute to a healthy Canadian economy.

For inquiries regarding the do-not-call legislation, please contact