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Vision Report Card



April 1998

This section identifies accomplishments during the 1997-98 calendar period. These activities have been removed from the Vision Action Calendar. The activities of licensing, tariff and programs support and administration, etc., which represent more than 50% of the CRTC workload are not included.


Vision Goal: Canada’s Voices

Strategy 1

Create and implement policies on content display and expenditures that recognize economic and cultural objectives

  • French-language television renewals
  • Examination of potential for and obligations of new national networks
  • Order-In-Council report on national networks submitted to Government
  • Cancom public hearing, February 1998
  • Public Hearing Type A, Native radio exemption
  • Radio Review Public Hearing, December 1997
Strategy 4

Support the distinctive role of
public broadcasting

  • Encourage public/private sector synergies
  • CBC: FM licences for Toronto and Montreal
  • Support for TVNC (Third Network Policy)
Strategy 2

Develop mechanisms to encourage the creation and
promotion of Canadian content in traditional and new media

  • Internal Commission retreat on new media and workplan commenced
  • Commissioned joint study of new media support mechanisms with Industry Canada and Canadian Heritage
  • Comparative international study
Strategy 5

Foster industry self-regulation,
where appropriate to respond to social issues

  • Initiated review, reports received from self-regulatory bodies
  • Encouraged discussions between Broadcasters and interest groups regarding descriptive video services
Strategy 3

Ensure appropriate access to distribution
for Canadian and foreign services

  • Broadcast Distribution Regulations announced on 22 December 1997
  • Decision on DTH Conditions of Licence
Strategy 6

Develop a comprehensive
international approach

  • IIC Regulatory Forum meetings (Sept. 97 and March 98) established and CRTC Chairperson assumed lead role

Vision Goal: Choices for Canadians

Strategy 1

Rely more on market forces to provide fair and sustainable competition

  • Message Toll Forbearance decision issued
  • Interexchange private line forbearance decision issued
  • Regulatory framework for Québec-Téléphone and Télébec decision issued
  • Interim Price Cap decision followed by final decision released in March 1998
  • Competition in Northwestel territory decision issued in February 1998
  • Public Notice issued on how to implement competition in the provision of international telecommunications services
  • Commence overseeing of numbering administration
  • Bell and Telus multi-media trials commenced
  • NBTel – BDU Public Hearing, March 1998
  • Licensing of new Multipoint Distribution Systems (MDS) in Southern Ontario, Ottawa area, Montréal and Quebec City corridor
Strategy 3

Support evolving convergence

  • Policy research completed on telecom services offered by broadcast carriers
  • Policy research initiated on Internet issues
  • BDU Regulations enacted in January 1998
Strategy 2

Monitor competition and regulate where market forces
are not achieving public interest objectives

  • Decision issued concerning telephone companies’ monitoring approach with respect to reasonable prices
  • Established and monitored the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) for resolution of technical and competitive disputes
  • Interim Carrier Access Tariff regime established for Québec Tel and Télébec
Strategy 4

Monitor the evolution of the industry structure

· Commission will continue to study all major changes with respect to industry structures and related regulatory and competition implications

Vision Goal: Good Governance

Strategy 1

Implement a more proactive and flexible approach to public processes including increased public participation in an evolving competitive environment

  • Public consultation guidelines established
  • Round tables held: Launch of specialty services post-mortem, Radio review post-hearing, Group licensing, Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) for independent telephone companies
  • Public forum held on 29 March 1998 in Saint-John, N.B.
Strategy 5

Proactively pursue a dialogue with other organizations

  • Meetings were held with government partners, public and consumer associations, industry groups and associations, to discuss Vision objectives
Strategy 2

Develop a strategic communications approach

  • Coordinated approach surrounding the Vision launch and key decisions
  • Internal/external communications’ strategy developed
Strategy 6

Promote professional excellence and effective working relationships within the Commission

  • Cross-sectoral teams were struck to work on converging issues, e.g. NB Tel application, Broadcast Distribution Regulations, Rules of Procedure, etc.
  • Human Resources Strategy was developed and discussed
  • Committee structure implemented
Strategy 3

Enhance information for decision-making

  • Radio review research report
Strategy 4

Increase CRTC referee role in the resolution of disputes

  • Dispute resolution process was developed and used in a number of cases
  • Formal training was provided to all key staff



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