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2006-02-06 - #: 8620-C12-200601288 - Avis public 2006-3 - Questions de réglementation concernant la mise en œuvre de la transférabilité des numéros de services sans fil

Calendrier - Avis Public 2006-3


 Dates limites

Avis d'intention de participer 2006-02-14
Observations 2006-02-27
Répliques aux observations 2006-03-06

Liste des documents connexes

Section 1 - Documents du Conseil
a) Avis public, Décisions, etc.
b) Liste des parties intéressées
c) Correspondance aux parties

Section 2 - Documents d'Aliant Mobility, Aliant Telecom Inc., Association canadienne des télécommunications sans fil (ACTSF), Bell Canada, Bell Mobilité, Bruce Telecom, Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., EastLink, Exatel Inc., FCS Broadband, Globility Communications Corporation, ISP Telecom Inc., Maskatel Inc., MTS Allstream Inc., MTS Mobility, Rogers Cable Communications Inc., Rogers Wireless, Saskatchewan Telecommunications, SaskTel Mobility, Sogetel Mobilité, TBayTel Mobility, Télébec Mobilité, TCI, TELUS Mobility et Vidéotron Télécom ltée
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Observations
c) Répliques aux observations

Section 4 - Documents des parties
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Observations
c) Répliques aux observations

Section 8 - Documents divers
a) Frais
b) Autres

Section 1a) Avis public, Decision, etc.

2006-05-18 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2006-28 Le Conseil se prononce sur des questions liées à la transférabilité des numéros de services sans fil entre les entreprises de services sans fil ainsi qu'entre les entreprises de services sans fil et les entreprises de services locaux filaires. Référence : 8620-C12-200601288.

Section 1c) Correspondance aux parties

2006-08-09 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux Entreprises de services sans fil et entreprises de services locaux - Objet: Mise en oeuvre de la transférabilité des numéros de services sans fil

Section 2a) Correspondance au Conseil

2006-06-16 - Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA)
Description: Wireless networks rely on a variety of numbering resources to uniquely identify subscribers and their terminal equipement.
Document: 636623.pdf - 22KO

Section 2b) Observations

2006-02-27 - Aliant Mobility, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Télébec, Limited Partnership and Télébec Mobilité (the Companies)
Description: Further to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3, Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability, issued 6 February 2006, Aliant Mobility, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Télébec, Limited Partnership and Télébec Mobilité (collectively, the Companies) submit the following comments.
Document: 596440.doc - 137KO

2006-02-27 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the directions on procedure in paragraph 35 of Telecom Public Notice 2006-3, MTS Allstream files the following comments.
Document: 596456.pdf - 75KO

2006-02-27 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: The attached comments are being submitted by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) pursuant to the procedure established in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3, Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability.
Document: - 56KO

2006-02-27 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description: In this proceeding, the Commission has invidted public comments on a number of regulatory issues that relate to the implementation of wireless number portability (WNP) in Canada. Rogers is pleased to provide the following comments.
Document: 596425.pdf - 548KO

2006-02-27 - Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA)
Description: The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (the CWTA) is pleased to respond to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3 Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability (the Notice)
Document: 596413.doc - 85KO

2006-02-27 - TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Mobility (TELUS)
Description: This comment is filed on behalf of TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Mobility (TELUS) in accordance with paragraph 35 of Telecom Public Notice 2006-3.
Document: - 157KO

Section 2c) Répliques aux observations

2006-03-06 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream submits the following Reply Comments pursuant to the procedures established at paragraph 36 of Telecom Public Notice 2006-3, 6 February 2006.
Document: 599069.pdf - 87KO

2006-03-06 - Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA)
Description: The CWTA is in receipt of comments filed by Aliant Mobility, Aliant Telecom Inc (Aliant); Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Télébec Limited Partnership and Télébec Mobilité (the Companies); City of Calgary; MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS);; Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus); Rogers Wireless Partnership (RWP): Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel); TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Mobility (TELUS); Virgin Mobile Canada (Virgin Mobile); and Xit Telecom Inc. (Xit) regarding Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3
Document: 598695.doc - 82KO

2006-03-06 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of 27 February 2006 comments, filed by Aliant Mobility, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Télébec, Limited Partnership and Télébec Mobilité (the Companies), MTS Allstream Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), Rogers Wireless Inc., Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA), TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Mobility (TELUS), Xit Telecom Inc., Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc., Virgin Mobile Canada, and the City of Calgary in the PN 2006-3 proceeding. The following reply comment is filed in accordance with paragraph 36 of PN 2006-3.
Document: 598691.doc - 162KO

2006-03-06 - Aliant Mobility, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Télébec, Limited Partnership and Télébec Mobilité (the Companies)
Description: Aliant Mobility, Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant), Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Télébec, Limited Partnership (Télébec) and Télébec Mobilité (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of comments from the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (the CWTA); the City of Calgary; MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS); Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus); Rogers Wireless Partnership (Rogers); Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel); TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Mobility (collectively, TELUS); Virgin Mobile Canada (Virgin Mobile); and Xit Telecom Inc. (Xit) further to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3, Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability (PN 2006-3). The Companies submit the following reply comments.
Document: 598684.doc - 107KO

2006-03-06 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: The attached reply comments are being submitted by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) pursuant to the procedure established in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3, Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability.
Document: 598681.doc - 179KO

2006-03-06 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description: In this proceeding, the Commission has invited public comments and reply comments on a number of regulatory issues that relate to the implementatino of wireless number portability (WNP). Rogers is pleased to provide the following reply comments.
Document: 598673.pdf - 663KO

2006-03-06 - TELUS Communications Company (TCC)
Description: This reply comments is filed in accordance with paragraph 36 of Telecom Public Notice 2006-3 on behalf of TELUS Communicaitons Company (TELUS), which is the successor to TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Mobility.
Document: 598662.pdf - 43KO

Section 4a) Correspondance au Conseil

2006-08-31 - CISC NTWG
Description:  LNP Roll-out Schedule – Correction - On 15 August 2006 , pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-26, Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability – Follow-up to Public Notice 2006-3 , the CISC NTWG LNP Rollout Sub-working Group submitted the roll-out schedule for exchanges that do not currently support portability.
Document: - 20KB

2006-08-15 - CISC NTWG
Description:  In Telecom Decision 2006-28, the Commission requested that the CISC NTWG prepare and file a roll-out schedule for exchanges that do not currently support portability.
Document: - 1396KO

2006-02-08 - Association des centres d'urgence 9-1-1 du Québec (ACUQ)
Description: L’Association des centres d’urgence 9-1-1 du Québec (ACUQ) souhaite faire part de ses observations au CRTC dans le cadre de l’Avis public de télécom 2006-3 «Questions de réglementation concernant la mise en œuvre de la transférabilité des numéros de services sans fil».
Document: 589726.doc - 11KO

Section 4b) Observations

2006-03-29 - Norman Causton
Description: I am wondering why the cellular companies have been given such a long time to implement cellular number portability.
Document: 609571.doc - 23KO

2006-02-27 - Xit Telecom Inc.
Description: Conformément aux procédures établies par le Conseil dans le cadre de l’Appel Public 2006-3, veuillez trouver sous-pli les commentaires de Xit télécom inc. soumis en son nom ainsi qu’au nom de Télécommunications Xittel inc. et de 9141-9077 Québec inc.
Document: - 122KO

2006-02-27 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3, 6 February 2006, (PN 06-3) Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) hereby files its comments on a number of the issues identified by the Commission.
Document: 596334.doc - 95KO

2006-02-27 - Virgin Mobile Canada
Description: Virgin Mobile Canada is pleased to be able to participate in this process regarding the introduction of Wireless Number Portability (WNP) in Canada.
Document: 596397.pdf - 668KO

2006-02-24 - City of Calgary
Description: The City of Calgary wishes to comment on three issues identified in public notice PN2006-3.
Document: - 152KO

2006-02-16 - L. Mahugh
Description: In response to the current discussion about Number Portability in Canada, this is a necessity and needs to be implemented sooner, rather than later.
Document: 592594.doc - 21KO

Section 4c) Répliques aux observations

2006-03-06 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus)
Description: Primus has obtained copies of comments from: Ms. Liane Mahugh, dated 16 February 2006; the City of Calgary, dated 24 February 2006; and, Bell Canada, CWTA, , MTS Allstream, Rogers Wireless, SaskTel, TELUS, Virgin Mobile and Xit telecom Inc., dated 27 February 2006. Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-3, 6 February 2006, Primus hereby submits its reply comments.
Document: 598668.doc - 86KO

Section 8a) Frais

Aucun documents

Section 8b) Autres

Aucun documents

Mise à jour : 2006-09-22

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