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2006-05-09 - #: 8678-C12-200605553 - Avis public 2006-5 - Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix

Calendrier - Avis Public 2006-5


 Dates limites

Avis d'intention de participer 2006-06-09
Audience publique 2006-10-10
Avis d'intention de participer à l'audience avec comparution des parties intéressées 2006-08-11
Réponses aux demandes de renseignements du Conseil 2006-07-10
Preuve 2006-07-10
Demandes de renseignements 2006-08-08
Réponses aux demandes de renseignements 2006-09-06
Demandes de réponses complémentaires à leurs demandes de renseignement et de divulgation 2006-09-13
Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignement et de divulgation 2006-09-20
Renseignements devant être soumis suite à la décision 2006-10-04
Observations 2006-10-26
Plaidoyers 2006-10-26
Répliques aux plaidoyers 2006-11-06

Liste des documents connexes

Section 1 - Documents du Conseil
a) Avis public, Décisions, etc.
b) Liste des parties intéressées
c) Correspondance aux parties
d) Demandes de renseignements

Section 2 - Documents d'Aliant Telecom, Bell Canada, MTS Allstream, SaskTel et TCC
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Preuve
c) Demandes de renseignements
d Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignement et de divulgation
e) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à la décision
f) Arguments
g) Répliques aux plaidoyers

Section 4 - Documents des parties
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Preuve
c) Demandes de renseignements
d) Demandes de réponses complémentaires à leurs demandes de renseignement et de divulgation
e) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à la décision
f) Plaidoyers
g) Répliques aux plaidoyers
h) Observations

Section 5) - Réponses aux demandes de renseignements

Section 6) - Pièces et répliques aux questions soulevées lors de l'audience publique

Section 8 - Documents divers
a) Frais
b) Autres

Section 1a) Avis public, Decision, etc.

Aucun documents

Section 1c) Correspondance aux parties

2006-10-06 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Parties à l'Avis public CRTC 2006-5 - Objet: Conclusions du Conseil en ce qui concerne l'étendue de l'instance

2006-09-27 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à MTS Allstream Inc. - Objet: Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Request by MTS Allstream Inc. to exclude the treatment of Competitor Services from the scope of the proceeding

2006-09-27 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Parties intéressées à l'AP 2006-5 - Objet: Organisation et déroulement de l'audience avec comparution

2006-08-21 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée Liste de distribution – Parties intéressées à l’Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Objet: Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 du 9 mai 2006 intitulé Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix – Renseignements aux fins d’organisation de l’audience avec comparution

2006-06-20 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Parties à l'Avis public 2006-5 - Objet: Demande de modification du processus établie dans l'avis public 2006-5

Section 1d) Demandes de renseignements

2006-10-06 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à MTS Allstream Inc. - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements supplémentaires

2006-10-06 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"

Description: Lettre adressée au Centre pour la défense de l'intérêt public - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements supplémentaires

2006-10-04 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5, 9 mai 2006 - La demande de renseignement MTS Allstream(ConsumerGroups)8Aug06-15

2006-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8678-C12-200605553
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution. - Objet: Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 du 9 mai 2006 intitulé Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Demandes de divulgation et demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignements

2006-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements complémentaires

2006-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements complémentaires

2006-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée au Centre pour la défense de l'intérêt public - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements complémentaires

2006-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Quebecor Media Inc.- Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements complémentaires

2006-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à MTS Allstream Inc. - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements complémentaires

2006-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à TELUS Communications Company - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements complémentaires

2006-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à TELUS Communications Company - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements supplémentaires

2006-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. et Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements

2006-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à EastLink Telephone - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements

2006-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à MTS Allstream Inc. - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements

2006-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée au Centre pour la défence de l'intérêt public - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements

2006-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Quebecor Media Inc. - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements

2006-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Avis public de télécom 2006-5 - Demandes de renseignements

2006-05-24 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Objet: Avis public de Télécom CRTC 2006-5 intitulé Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Demandes de renseignements initiales

2006-05-24 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à MTS Allstream Inc. - Objet: Avis public de Télécom CRTC 2006-5 intitulé Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Demandes de renseignements initiales

2006-05-24 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Aliant Telecom Inc. - Objet: Avis public de Télécom CRTC 2006-5 intitulé Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Demandes de renseignements initiales

2006-05-24 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet:Avis public de Télécom CRTC 2006-5 intitulé Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Demandes de renseignements initiales

2006-05-24 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à TELUS Communications Company - Objet: Avis public de Télécom CRTC 2006-5 intitulé Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix - Demandes de renseignements initiales

Section 2a) Correspondance au Conseil

2006-10-26 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: With respect to the Commission's undertaking to TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS" or the "Company") marked as UNDERTAKING CRTC-12 , the Company is currently assessing the impact of the proposed income trust conversion on the appropriateness of various financial analysis parameters.
Document: 683687.pdf - 20KO

2006-10-10 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission letter of 4 October 2006 MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) hereby files its comments regarding the Consumer Groups' request that MTS Allstream disclose confidential information contained in interrogatory MTS Allstream(Consumers Group)8Aug06-15 PN 2006-5 (Interrogatory 15) to the Consumer Groups, subject to a non-disclosure agreement.
Document: 677285.doc - 86KO

2006-10-10 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to Commission staff's request in its 4 October 2006 letter addressed to interested parties to PN 2006-5, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are providing their views on the issues detailed by the Commission
Document: 677142.doc - 70KO

2006-10-10 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are submitting the attached revised curriculum vita of Peter Dilworth, Vice-President - Finance (Bell Aliant), who is part of the Companies' witness panel.
Document: 677041.doc - 95KO

2006-10-06 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) has received a copy of the letter to the Commission from counsel for the Consumer Groups dated 4 October 2006 asking the Commission to clarify whether the terms of reference for this proceeding include a review of forbearance conditions.
Document: 676766.doc - 45KO

2006-10-05 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS" or the "Company") is in receipt of a letter from the Commission dated 21 August 2006. In that letter, the Commission indicated that parties who have filed (or are filing) evidence and who intend to call witnesses should provide a list of the witnesses they intend to call, indicating: i) the subject matter of each witness' testimony; (ii) the evidence and interrogatory responses for which each witness is responsible; and (iii) the order in which it is proposed that the witnesses will be presented.
Document: - 131KO

2006-10-05 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated 27 September 2006 , Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) attach as exhibits the curricula vitae of the following witnesses
Document: 676137.doc - 156KO

2006-10-05 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission letter dated 27 September 2006 , MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) advises the Commission that Mr. Michael Koch of Goodmans LLP will be appearing as MTS Allstream's Legal Counsel during the hearing scheduled for 1 October 2006 to 20 October 2006.
Document: 675975.doc - 104KO

2006-10-05 - Bell Canada
Bell Canada is in receipt of a letter from counsel for the Consumer Groups dated 4 October 2006, asking the Commission to clarify "whether the changes that are to be considered to the price cap regime include a review of the forbearance conditions associated with the services to be capped" and "what constitutes the other forms of regulation that paragraph 24 of the Public Notice seeks to prohibit".
Document: 675852.doc - 67KO

2006-09-28 – MTS Allstream Inc .
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission staff letter dated 21 August 2006 , MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) hereby advises of its intent to make one witness panel available for cross-examination, consisting of the following individuals:
Document: 672954.doc – 84KO

2006-09-22 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (the “Company”) hereby notifies the Commission of its intention to cross examine the witness made available by l’Union des consommateurs (in addition to the witness panels identified for cross examination by the Company in its letter dated 14 September 2006).
Document: 670134.pdf - 21KO

2006-09-21 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) wishes to inform the Commission that due to scheduling issues, some of TELUS’ witnesses will not be available after 13 October 2006. TELUS respectfully requests that the Commission take this into account when developing the order of appearance for parties at the oral hearing.
Document: 669689.pdf - 21KO

2006-09-18 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of a letter dated 14 September 2006 from l'Union des consommateurs wherein l'Union des consommateurs indicates that it intends to make available one witness for cross-examination.   The Companies hereby advise that they intend to cross-examine this witness.
Document: 668541.doc - 62KO

2006-09-14 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: In response to the Commission’s 21 August 2006 letter, TELUS Communications Company hereby notifies the Commission and parties of its intention to cross examine the witness panels made available by the City of Calgary, the Competitors (Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc.), the Consumer Groups (the Consumers’ Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) and MTS Allstream.
Document: 666830.pdf - 21KO

2006-09-13 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 21 August 2006, MTS Allstream advises that it intends to cross-examine the witnesses identified by the following parties in their letters dated 8 September 2006.
Document: 665260.pdf - 109KO

2006-09-13 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Document: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of letters from Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (collectively, the Competitors), the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (collectively, the Consumer Groups), MTS Allstream, TELUS Communications Company and The City of Calgary indicating their intention to make available witnesses at the oral hearing.
Document: 665227.doc - 70KO

2006-09-12 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  In response to the Commission's 21 August 2006 letter, TELUS Communications Company hereby notifies the Commission and parties of its intention to present oral final argument.
Document: 664546.pdf - 21KO

2006-09-08 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedure set out in the Commission's 21 August 2006 letter, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) hereby advise that they intend to make one witness panel available for cross-examination, consisting of the following individuals.
Document: 667958.doc - 69KO

2006-09-08 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS” or the “Company”) is in receipt of a letter from the Commission dated 21 August 2006 .   In that letter, the Commission indicated that parties who have filed (or are filing) evidence and who intend to call witnesses should provide a list of the witnesses they intend to call, indicating: i) the subject matter of each witness' testimony; (ii) the evidence and interrogatory responses for which each witness is responsible; and (iii) the order in which it is proposed that the witnesses will be presented.
Document: 665488.doc - 45KO

2006-09-08 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: The Commission in a letter dated 21 August 2006, requested those parties intending to call witnesses to provide a list of the witnesses and indicate the subject matter, evidence and interrogatories the witnesses will speak to.
Document: 663090.pdf - 112KO

2006-09-06 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: These reply comments are filed by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) in response to comments filed by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) on 25 August 2006 and by Bell Canada , Bell Aliant and SaskTel (Bell et al.) on 28 August 2006.
Document: 663085.doc - 100KO

2006-09-01 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's 21 August 2006 letter, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant, Regional Communications Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) hereby advise that the Companies intend to present oral final argument.
Document: 661672.doc - 62KO

2008-08-30 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: The following are the comments of TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS") on the letter of Bell Aliant, Bell Canada and SaskTel ("the Companies") dated 11 August 2006 . The Companies say that the Consumer Groups should not be permitted to file an update to the evidence prepared by Dr. Roycroft filed in this proceeding, and ask the Commission to make an order accordingly. The Consumer Groups responded to the Companies' letter on 21 August 2006.
Document: 659694.pdf - 25KO

2006-08-28 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Bell Canada, on behalf of itself, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) is in receipt of MTS Allstream's 21 August 2006 letter requesting that the Commission issue a declaratory ruling that excludes all issues relating to the regulatory treatment of Competitor Services and strikes all submissions that have been made on these issues from the record of the proceeding.
Document: 659053.doc - 71KO

2006-08-25 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: This constitutes the answer of Telus Communications Company to the application made by MTS Allstream Inc. dated 21 August 2006. MTS Allstream seeks a declaratory ruling excluding all issues relating to the regulatory treatment of Competitor Services from the scope of the proceeding initiated by Review of Price Cap Framework, Telecom Public Notice 2006-5.
Document: 659527.pdf - 1,695KO

2006-08-21 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: This is a request by MTS Allstream Inc. seeking a declaratory ruling from the Commission that excludes all issues relating to the regulatory treatment of Competitor Services from the scope of the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5 and strikes all submissions that have been made on this issue from the record of the same proceeding.
Document: 656786.pdf - 1,508KO

2006-08-11 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada, on behalf of itself, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) note that at paragraph 6 of the 10 July 2006 evidence submitted by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, (hereinafter the Consumer Groups) in the proceeding initiated by PN 2006-5, Dr. Trevor Roycroft indicates that "the Consumer Groups intend to seek [additional data] during the discovery process" that will allow Dr. Roycroft "to fully evaluate and respond to the Commission's requests.
Document: 654831.doc - 73KO

2006-08-10 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 40 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework , Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) hereby provide notice of their intention to participate in the oral hearing scheduled to commence on 10 October 2006.
Document: 654953.doc - 63KO

2006-08-09 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to paragraph 40 of the above-noted public notice, MTS Allstream intends to participate in the oral hearing scheduled for 10 October 2006.
Document: 652711.pdf - 92KO

2006-05-24 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TCC is in receipt of a letter from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (Consumer Groups), dated 17 May 2006, requesting that the Commission modify the process and timetable for PN 2006-5.
Document: 629122.pdf - 27KO

2006-05-24 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) has received a letter, dated 17 May 2006, from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumers’ Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (collectively, the Consumer Groups) requesting that the Commission reconsider and revise the Procedure and time table of the above Subject proceeding.
Document: 629026.doc - 57KO

2006-05-24 - Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of a letter from the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (collectively, the Consumer Groups) dated 17 May 2006 requesting amendments to the procedures set out in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5 (PN 2006-5).
Document:  628938.doc - 234KO

Section 2b) Preuve

2006-07-10 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS herewith files its comments and responses to interrogatories in accordance with the procedure established by the Commission in PN 2006-5
Document: - 424KO

2006-07-10 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: In accordance with the procedures outlined at paragraphs 32 and 33 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5 (PN 2006-5), Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are filing their evidence and responses to the Commission interrogatories received 24 May 2006
Document: - 938KO

2006-07-10 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to paragraph 33 of the procedures established in the above-noted public notice, MTS Allstream Inc. submits the attached comments
Document: 643074.doc - 264KO

Section 2c) Demandes de renseignements

2006-08-08 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  In accordance with paragraph 34 of Telecom Public Notice 2006-5, MTS Allstream Inc. submit the following interrogatories.
Document: 652084.pdf - 2312KO

2006-08-08 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description:  In accordance with paragraph 34 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5 (PN 2006-5), Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell   Canada , and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) submit the attached interrogatories to parties to this proceeding.
Document: - 73KO (révisé)

2006-08-08 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commision in PN 2006-5, please find attached interrogatories from TELUS Communications Company addressed to the Consumer Groups, CAC Manitoba and MTS Allstream.
Document: 652054.pdf - 26KO

Section 2d) Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignement et de divulgation

2006-09-13 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures identified at paragraph 36 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework, MTS Allstream Inc. submits the following requests for public disclosure and further responses to the interrogatories identified in the Attachment.
Document: 665301.pdf - 748KO

2006-09-13 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission in Review of price cap framework, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5 (“PN 2006-5”), TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) hereby files the following requests for further responses to interrogatories and public disclosure of information for which confidentiality has been claimed. TELUS’ requests concern MTS Allstream’s response to interrogatory MTS Allstream(TELUS)8Aug06-1.
Document: 665248.pdf - 32KO

2006-09-13 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Document: Pursuant to the procedures set out in paragraph 36 of PN 2006 5, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) submit their requests for further responses in the Attachment.
Document: 665183.doc - 70KO

Section 2e) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à la décision

Aucun documents

Section 2f) Plaidoyers

2006-10-26 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: TELUS Communications Company herewith files its written Final Argument.
Document: - 391KO

2006-10-26 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: In accordance with paragraph 42 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) are hereby filing their final argument in the above referenced proceeding.
Document: - 174KO

2006-10-26 - MTS Allstream Inc .

Description: Pursuant to paragraph 42 of the procedures established in the above noted public notice, MTS Allstream Inc.(MTS Allstream) submits the attached final arguments.
Document: 683378.doc - 231KO

Section 2g) Répliques aux plaidoyers

2006-11-07 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TELUS Communications Company is herewith filings its Reply Argument.
Document: - 152KO

2006-11-06 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures established in the above-noted public notice, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) submits the attached reply argument
Document: 686909.doc - 197KO

2006-11-06 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: In accordance with paragraph 43 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework , Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) are hereby filing their reply argument in the above referenced proceeding.
Document: - 66KO

Section 4a) Correspondance au Conseil

2006-10-11 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: As counsel to the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, (hereinafter “the Consumer Groups”) we are pleased to respond to the Commission's letter of 4 October 2006 regarding disclosure of the information in this interrogatory in confidence to the Consumer Groups.
Document: 677520.doc - 128KO

2006-10-05 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission's procedural letter of 27 September 2006 regarding the PN 2006-5 oral hearing, please find attached as exhibits the curricula vitae of the witnesses of The Competitors.   You will note that Michel Messier (Director, Regulatory Affairs, Telecommunications, Cogeco Cable Inc.) has replaced Yves Mayrand as one of The Competitors' witnesses.
Document: - 38KO

2006-10-04 - Union des Consommateurs
Description: Vous trouverez, en pièce jointe, le curriculum vitae du témoin que l'Union des consommateurs a l'intention d'appeler dans le cadre de l'audience relative à l'avis public de télécom 2006-5.
Document: 675682.doc - 39KO

2006-10-04 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: In preparation for the commencement of the oral phase of this proceeding, the Consumer Groups would note that it would be helpful if the Commission indicated at the commencement of the proceeding whether the changes that are to be considered to the price cap regime include a review of the forbearance conditions associated with the services to be capped. Further we believe Commission instructions would be helpful on the issue of what constitutes the "other forms of regulations" that paragraph 24 of the Public Notice seeks to prohibit.
Document: 675676.pdf - 40KO

2006-10-04 - City of Calgary
Decription: In accordance with the CRTC of 27 September 2006 regarding Organization and Conduct of the oral hearing, attached is the CV of M. Greg Matwichuk, witness for The City of Calgary.
Document: 675654.pdf - 31KO

2006-09-28 – Yak Communications (Canada) Inc.
Description: Please be advised Yak Communications ( Canada ) Inc. (Yak) no longer will be attending the oral hearing scheduled for October 10, 2006 .
Document: 672966.pdf – 38KO

2006-09-27 – Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: This letter is to confirm with the Commission and to notify all parties and interested parties to this proceeding that in addition to representing the Consumers Association of Canada ( Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society of Seniors ("CAC/MSOS"), the Public Interest Law Centre will also be representing Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin ("MKIO") at the hearing of this proceeding.
Document: 672628.pdf - 71KO

2006-09-25 – Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: Further to our letter of September 13, 2006 this letter is to confirm that counsel for CAC/MSOS no longer intends to cross examine the witnesses from the Companies and TELUS. We do still intend to cross examine the witnesses called by MTS Allstream.
Document: 670680.pdf – 70KO

2006-09-22 - British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC)
Description: In response to your letter of August 21, 2006, please be advised that we are registered intervenors in this matter. We did not receive your letter of August 21, 2006. We have checked the Interested Parties list and we are not listed.
Document: 670677.pdf - 55KO

2006-09-14 - Union des consommateurs
Description: La présente lettre vise à vous aviser que l'Union des consommateurs a l'intention de contre-interroger les témoins, ou les groupes de témoins, qui seront appelés par Bell Canada et par Telus dans le cadre de l'audience relative à l'avis public de télécom 2006-5 Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix.
Document: 666212.doc - 79KO

2006-09-14- Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
As counsel to the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, (hereinafter “the Consumer Groups') we hereby notify the Commission that we reserve our right to cross-examine all witnesses from all other parties.
Document: 665628.doc - 125KO

2006-09-14 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: Further to TELUS's letter to the Commission dated September 13, 2006, this letter is to confirm that the responses to interrogatories of CAC/MSOS were sent to the Commission and all interested parties by email on September 8, 2006. It was our belief that all interested parties did receive the responses and they have also been posted on the Commission's website.
Document: 666183.pdf - 70KO

2006-09-14 - Union des consommateurs
Description: La présente lettre vise à vous aviser que l'Union des consommateurs a l'intention d'appeler le témoin suivant dans le cadre de l'audience relative à l'avis public de télécom 2006-5 Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix  :
Document: 655553.doc - 79KO

2006-09-13 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: In accordance with the Commission's letter dated August 21, 2006, this letter is to confirm that counsel for CAC/MSOS intends to cross-examine the witnesses of MTS Allstream, the Companies, and TELUS.
Document: 666155.pdf - 69KO

2006-09-13 - The City of Calgary
Description: Further to the Commission's directive dated 21 August 2006 with respect to the intention of parties to cross-examine witnesses at the hearing, The City of Calgary wishes to cross-examine the witness panels appearing on behalf of TELUS Communications Company.
Document: 665348.pdf - 43KO

2006-09-13 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission's procedural letter of 21 August 2006, please be advised that Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) intend to cross-examine the following witness panels at the PN 2006-5 oral hearing.
Document: 665318.doc - 44KO

2006-09-11 - The City of Calgary
Description: We were unable to access the CRTC website for the purposes of submitting the information below, and despite repeated attempts, could not transmit this letter on September 8, 2006. Accordingly, we are trying again this morning to transmit this letter to the CRTC and Interested parties.
Document: 668426.pfd - 48KO

2006-09-08 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) in this proceeding is pleased to inform the Commission that it will call Dr. Trevor Roycroft as its sole witness at the oral hearing.   Dr. Roycroft will give evidence regarding telecommunications economics and will be responsible for answering questions on all the Consumer Groups' evidence and interrogatory responses.
Document: 663089.doc - 121KO

2006-09-08 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission's procedural letter of 21 August 2006, please be advised that Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) intend to call the following witnesses at the PN 2006-5 oral hearing.
Document: 663091.doc - 44KO

2006-09-08 - The City of Calgary
Description: Further to the Commission' letter of 21 August 2006, please be advised that the City of Calgary intends to call only one witness in this proceeding.
Document: 665432.pdf - 188KO

2006-09-05 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), as counsel for the Consumer Groups, intends to present final oral argument in the above-noted hearing.
Document: 662400.pdf - 27KO

2006-09-05 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: The Public Interest Law Centre, as counsel for the Consumers' Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS), intends to present final oral argument in the above-noted hearing.
Document: 662384.pdf - 69KO

2006-09-01 - Union des consommateurs
Description: La présente lettre vise à vous aviser que l’Union des consommateurs a l’intention de présenter un plaidoyer final dans le cadre de l’avis public de télécom 2006-5 Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix.
Document: 660707.doc - 79KO

2006-09-01 - Québecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission’s procedural letter of 21 August 2006, please be advised that Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) intend to present oral final argument in the above-noted proceeding.
Document: 660687.doc - 41KO

2006-08-22 - The City of Calgary
Description: In reference to notice issued by the CRTC dated August 21, 2006 regarding file number 8678-C12-200605553, the City of Calgary will appear to make final oral argument.
Document: 657078.doc - 59KO

2006-08-22 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: Please accept this letter of intent on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, (hereinafter “the Consumer Groups') to participate in the oral hearing scheduled to commence on 10 October 2006 in this matter.
Document: 657030.doc - 125KO

2006-08-21 - The City of Calgary
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 40 of the above noted Public Notice, this letter is to confirm that the City of Calgary intends to participate in the oral hearing commencing October 10, 2006.
Document: 657095.doc - 57KO

2006-08-21 - Union des consommateurs
Description: La présente lettre vise à vous aviser que l'Union des consommateurs a l'intention de comparaître à l'audience du 10 octobre 2006 tenue dans le cadre de l'avis public de télécom 2006-5 Examen du cadre de plafonnement des prix.
Document: 657084.doc - 79KO

2006-08-21 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: We are in receipt of the correspondence of August 11, 2006 of Bell Canada, objecting to the suggestion contained in the evidence of Dr. Roycroft filed by the Consumer Groups that an update of his original submission, filed on July 10 in the within proceeding, may be required following the receipt of interrogatory responses on September 6, 2006.
Document: 656590.doc - 125KO

2006-08-15 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 40 of the above noted Public Notice, this letter is to confirm that the Public Interest Law Centre intends to participate in the oral hearing commencing October 10, 2006.
Document: 655159.pdf - 69KO

2006-08-11 - Quebecor Media inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 40 of the above-noted public notice, please be advised that Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. intend to participate in the oral hearing scheduled to commence on 10 October 2006
Document: 653591.doc - 40KO

2006-08-11 - Yak Communications (Canada) Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 40 of the above-noted public notice, Yak Communications (Canada) Inc. (Yak) intends to participate in the oral hearing scheduled for October 10, 2006.
Document: 653602.pdf - 37KO

2006-08-10 - British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC)
Description: We are counsel for BC Old Age Pensioners' Organization, Council for Senior Citizens' Organizations, federated anti-poverty groups of BC, End Legislated Poverty, BC Coaltion of People with Disabilities, Active Support Against Poverty, and Tenants Rights Action Coalition, collectively referred to for convenience only as "BCOAPO et al."
Document: 653615.pdf - 55KO

2006-06-01 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Group's
Description: We are in receipt of the responses of the Companies (Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc.), Telus, and Sasktel to our request for procedural amendments to PN 2006-5, Review of Price Cap Framework
Document: 632031.doc - 122KO

2006-05-19 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: We are in receipt of Mr. Janigan's letter of May 18, 2006 requesting the Commission reconsider the process and timetable set out in Telecom Public Notice 2006-5.
Document: 628320.pdf - 70KO

2006-05-18 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Group's
Description: We are puzzled by the process outlined in Telecom Public Notice 2006-5. In particular, the Consumer Groups note that they will be required to enter such evidence that may be required to address the issues set out in the Public Notice in advance of any review of the evidence provided by the named ILEC parties to this proceeding.
Document: 629037.doc - 130KO

2006-04-20 - Télébec, société en commandite
Description: Le processus d'examen du régime de réglementation des prix qu'amorcera le Conseil prochainement visera à la fois les grandes entreprises titulaires et aussi Telus (Québec) inc. et Télébec. Cet exercice sera complexe, long et onéreux en terme de ressources
Document: 623276.doc - 41KO

Section 4b) Preuve

2006-07-10 - Union des consommateurs
Description: L’Union des consommateurs dépose le présent document à titre de preuve dans le cadre de l’avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5.
Document: - 3150KO

2006-07-10 - Quebecor Media (QMI) and Videotron Ltd.
Description: QMI, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary Videotron Ltd., is pleased to provide the enclosed evidence on the issues raised in PN 2006-5.
Document: - 31KO

2006-07-10 - City of Calgary
Description: Please find attached evidence on behalf of The City of Calgary in relation to PN 2006-5 Review of Price Cap Framework
Document: 643147.pdf - 97KO

2006-07-10 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Inc.and Shaw Communications Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: The Competitors are pleased to submit Evidence pursuant to paragraph 33 of Telecom Public Notice 2006-5. This Evidence addresses the specific issues that the Commission has identified in paragraph 22 of PN 2006-5 as being the subject matter of the proceeding.
Document: 643142.pdf - 95KO

2006-07-10 - Public Interest Law Centre for CAC Manitoba and Manitoba Society of Senios Inc. (MSOS)
Description: In accordance with paragraph 33 of PN 2006-5, CAC Manitoba and MSOS are pleased to provide their position and evidence on matters set out inparagraph 22 of the Public Notice.
Document: - 131KO

2006-07-10 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) is counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers’ Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) with respect to the above-noted proceeding. PIAC is pleased to file the evidence of Trevor Roycroft, Ph.D., on behalf of the Consumer Groups in this proceeding in accordance with paragraph 33 of the above-noted Public Notice.
Document: - 258KO

Section 4c) Demandes de renseignements

2006-08-09 - Public Interest Law Centre for CAC/MSOS
Description: Enclosed please find interrogatories of CAC/MSOS addressed to MTS Allstream, Bell Aliant/SaskTel, Telus and to the Consumer.
Document: - 399KO

2006-08-08 - Union des consommateurs
Description: Vous trouverez, en pièces jointes à ce courriel, les demandes de renseignements de l'Union des consommateurs adressées à Bell et all. et à Telus.
Document: - 31KO

2006-08-08 - Stephen Johnson Chartered Accountants for City of Calgary
Description: Enclosed please find the interrogatories of the City of calgary to TELUS Communications Company.
Document: - 61KO

2006-08-08 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description: As counsel to the Consumers’ Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, (hereinafter the Consumer Groups) we have attached our interrogatories for the following The Companies; Telus; MTS Allstream; Rogers et al; Quebecor
Document: - 128KO (révisé)

Section 4d) Demandes de réponses compléentaires à leurs demandes de renseignement et de divulgation

2006-09-18 - Union des consommateurs
Description: Bonjour, vous trouverez en pièce jointe la demande de réponses complémentaires de l'Union des consommateurs adressée à Telus.
Document: 667714.doc - 41KO

2006-09-13 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: In accordance with paragraph 36 of Public Notice 2006-5, CAC/MSOS is submitting both requests for further responses to their interrogatories and also requests for public disclosure of information for which confidentiality has been claimed.
Document: 666162.pdf - 122KO

2006-09-13 - Union des consommateurs
Description: Vous trouverez, en pièce jointe, la demande de réponses complémentaires de l'Union des consommateurs adressée à Bell et all.
Document: 665525.doc - 57KO

2006-09-13 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: As counsel to the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, (hereinafter “the Consumer Groups') we have attached Requests for Further Responses to Interrogatories and Disclosure of Information Filed in Confidence to:
Document: - 126KO

2006-09-13 - The City of Calgary
Description: In its evidence Telus relies on a number of external source documents in support of its evidence. Telus specifically footnotes the documents in which it has relied. Those source documents have not been provided to parties.  Calgary requested that Telus provide those source documents in its interrogatory.
Document: 665175.pdf - 120KO

Section 4e) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à la décision

Aucun documents

Section 4f) Plaidoyers

2006-10-27 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: Further to our letter of October 26, 2006 enclosing the final written argument of the Consumers’ Association of Canada (Manitoba  Branch), the Manitoba Society of Seniors and Manitoba Keewatinook  Ininew Okimowin ("CAC/MSOS/MKIO"), please find attached revised  version.
Document: - 196KO

2006-10-26 - Union des consommateurs
Description: L'Union des consommateurs dépose le présent document afin de soumettre ses Observations finales dans le cadre de l'avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-5.
Document: 684099.doc - 144KBO

2006-10-26 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: Enclosed please find the final written argument of the Consumers' Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch), the Manitoba Society of Seniors and Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin (CAC/MSOS/MKIO).
Document: - 227KO

2006-10-26 - The City of Calgary
Description: Please find attached our final Argument of The City of Calgary in respect of this proceeding.
Document: - 165KO

2006-10-26 - British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC)
Description: We are counsel for BC Old Age Pensioners' Organization, Council of Senior Citizens' Organizations, federated anti-poverty groups of BC, End Legislated Poverty, BC Coalition of People with Disabilities, Active Support Against Poverty, and Tenants Rights Action Coalition, collectively referred to for convenience only as "BCOAPO".
Document: - 18KO

2006-10-26 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description:The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers’ Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) in this proceeding is pleased to enclose the Written Argument of the Consumer Groups in the above matter.
Document: - 140KO

2006-10-26 - Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in paragraph 42 of PN 2006-5, Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) hereby file the attached Written Argument.
Document: - 113KO

Section 4g) Répliques aux plaidoyers

2006-11-06 - The City of Calgary
Description: Please find attached our Reply Argument of The City of Calgaryin respect to this proceeding.
Document: - 117KO

2006-11-06 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC) for CAC/MSOS/MKIO
Description: In accordance with paragraph 43 of Public Notice 2006-5, enclosed please find the reply argument of the Consumers' Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch), the Manitoba Society of Seniors and Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin (CAC/MSOS/MKIO).
Document: - 153KO

2006-11-06 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description:  The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) in this proceeding is pleased to enclose the Reply Argument of the Consumer Groups in the above matter
Document: - 151KO

2006-11-06 - Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in paragraph 43 of PN 2006-5, Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) hereby file the attached Reply.
Document: - 88KO

Section 4h) Observations

Aucun documents

Section 5) Réponses aux demandes de renseignements

2006-11-07 -  Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is in receipt of a letter dated October 31, 2006 from Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) seeking an abridged version of Shaw's response to Shaw(CRTC)13Oct06-14.
Document: - 19KO

2006-10-26 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: On 10 October 2006 , pursuant to the Commission's letter dated 29 September 2006 , Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) provided their responses to the additional interrogatories received from the Commission.   At that time, the Companies indicated that they were unable to provide copies of the maps requested in The Companies(CRTC)29Sep06-2201 PN 2006-5, but that they would do so by 26 October 2006 .   An updated copy of this interrogatory is attached.
Document: - 8,340KO

2006-10-11 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 6 October 2006, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) submits the following response to interrogatories MTS Allstream (CRTC)6Oct-06-3401PN 2006-5 and MTS Allstream (CRTC)6Oct-06-3402PN 2006-5.
Document: - 64KO

2006-10-10 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)

Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) in this proceeding is pleased to enclose, Consumer Groups' Answer to CRTC Interrogatories of October 6, 2006.
Document: - 5,339KO

2006-10-10 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) herewith files its responses to interrogatories received from the Commission on 29 September 2006.
Document: - 502KO

2006-10-10 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 29 September 2006 , MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) submits the following response to interrogatory MTS Allstream (CRTC)29Sept-06-2401PN 2006-5.
Document: - 55KO

2006-10-10 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) in this proceeding is pleased to enclose, Consumer Groups' Answer to CRTC Interrogatory of September 29, 2006.
Document: - 100KO

2006-10-10 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated 29 September 2006 , Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) provide their responses to the additional interrogatories received from the Commission.
Document: - 757KO

2006-10-06 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission 29 September 2006 letter, Cogeco Cable Inc. ( Cogeco ) is pleased to file in confidence the attached response to the Commission's interrogatory 2201.
Document: - 37KO

2006-10-06 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) is a party to the preparation of responses to additional interrogatories received from the Commission on 29 September 2006, and submitted by Bell Canada on behalf of itself, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and SaskTel (collectively, the Companies), with the following exception.
Document: - 31KO

2006-10-06 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) is filing revisions to the following interrogatory responses: TELUS(CRTC)8Aug06-1101, Attachment 1 TELUS(Consumer Groups)8Aug06-4, Attachment1
Document: - 200KO

2006-10-06 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated September 29, 2006 and issued pursuant to PN 2006-5, Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is filing herewith its response to CRTC interrogatory 2201.
Document: - 20KO

2006-10-06 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in its letter dated 29 September 2006, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) is filing herewith through e-pass its response to Rogers(CRTC)29Sept06-2201 PN 2006-5.
Document: - 42KO

2006-10-06 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission staff letter of 4 October 2006, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is providing the information requested pertaining to interrogatory MTS Allstream(Consumer Groups)8Aug06-15 PN 2006-5 in confidence to the Commission.   An abridged version of Attachment 1 is being provided for the public record.
Document: - 725KO

2006-10-06 - Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (the Competitors)
Description:  Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in its letter dated 29 September 2006, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco), Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI), Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) and Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) (collectively, the Competitors) are filing herewith through e-pass their joint response to ___(CRTC)29Sept06-2401 PN 2006-05.
Document: 676174.doc - 45KO

2006-10-06 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: QMI, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary Videotron Ltd., is pleased to submit the enclosed response to interrogatory QMI(CRTC)29Sept2006-2101, received from the Commission on 29 September 2006
Document: - 30KO

2006-10-04 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated 29 September 2006 , Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) hereby jointly submit the following supplemental responses to interrogatories:
Document: - 133KO

2006-10-04 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission's rulings of 27 and 29 September 2006 , MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is filing supplemental responses for the following interrogatories:
Document: - 81KO

2006-10-04 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework (“PN 2006-5”), attached is the response of Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) to the Commission's request for disclosure and for further responses to interrogatories to PN 2006-5 on 29 September 2006.
Document: - 31KO

2006-10-04 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) herewith files further responses to the following interrogatories as directed by the Commission in its letter dated 29 September 2006 and in accordance with the procedure established by the Commission in PN 2006-5:
Document: (révisé) - 18,553KB

2006-10-04 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework, 2006 05 09, (PN 2006-5), attached are the responses of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (“Bell Aliant” or the “Company”) to the Commission’s request for disclosure and for further responses to interrogatories to PN 2006-5 on 2006 09 29.
Document: - 87KO

2006-10-03 - Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as Eastlink
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as EastLink, hereby files responses to the Commission’s interrogatories, received on September 13, 2006, relating to the above-noted proceeding. As permitted by the Commission, EastLink is filing its responses on today’s date.
Document: - 85KO

2006-09-20 – TELUS Communications Company
Description: This letter constitutes the written response of TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS or the Company) to requests for further responses and requests for disclosure received by the Company from the City of Calgary , the Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization), the Manitoba branch of the Consumers' Association of Canada and the Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS), l'Union des consommateurs and MTS Allstream.
Document: 670085.pdf – 60KO

2006-09-20 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: This letter constitutes the written response of TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS" or the "Company") to requests for further responses and requests for disclosure received by the Company from the City of Calgary, the Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization), the Manitoba branch of the Consumers' Association of Canada and the Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS), l'Union des consommateurs and MTS Allstream.
Document: 669244.pdf - 75KB

2006-09-20 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (The Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out at paragraph 37 of PN 2006-5, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are filing their responses to the requests for further responses to interrogatories received by the companies.   Responses to the requests for further responses received from CAC/MSOS, the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (collectively, the Consumer Groups) and MTS Allstream Inc. are provided in Attachment 1, while responses to  requests for further responses received from l'Union des consommateurs are provided in Attachment 2.
Document: - 58KO

2006-09-20 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework, MTS Allstream Inc. submits the following responses to requests for public disclosure of information requested in and further responses to the interrogatories identified in the Attachment.
Document: - 75KO

2006-09-20 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: As counsel to the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, (hereinafter “the Consumer Groups') we have attached our Replies to Requests for Further Responses to Interrogatories and Disclosure of Information Filed in Confidence to:
Document: - 127KO

2006-09-12 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are providing certain revisions to the French versions of some of their responses to interrogatories received from l'Union des consommateurs, filed on 6 September 2006.   The revisions are identified in the attached responses.
Document: - 283 KO

2006-09-12 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS“) herewith files its revised response to TELUS(CRTC)8Aug06-1204, which was filed on 11 September 2006.
Document: - 26KO

2006-09-11 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) herewith files its responses to the following interrogatories.
Document: - 154KO

2006-09-08 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: Attached please find responses to interrogatories from TELUS Communications Company addressed to the Consumers Association ofCanada (Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society of Seniors ("CAC/MSOS".
Document: 662889.pdf - 104KO

2006-09-07 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: As indicated in MTS Allstream's response to the above mentioned interrogatory, please find copies of the reference material as identified in footnotes 5 and 6 of MTS Allstream's response to MTS Allstream(CRTC)06May23-102 PN 2006-5.
Document: 669587.pdf - 14,321KO

2006-09-06 - QMI, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary Videotron Ltd.

Description: QMI, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary Videotron Ltd., is pleased to provide the enclosed responses to interrogatories received in the proceeding initiated by PN 2006-5.
Document: - 91KO

2009-09-06 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)

Description:  Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) notes that it is a party to the submission prepared and submitted by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada and SaskTel (collectively, the Companies) on matters within the scope of this proceeding.
Document: - 76KO

2009-09-06 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in PN 2006-5,  Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is filing herewith responses to CRTC interrogatories 1202, 1203 and 1204.
Document: - 47KO

2006-09-06 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership

Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework, 2006 05 09, (“PN 2006-5”), attached are the responses of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (“Bell Aliant” or the “Company”) to interrogatories received from parties to PN 2006-5 on 2006 08 08.
Document: - 140KO

2006-09-06 - Rogers Communications Inc.

Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in PN 2006-5, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) is filing herewith through e-pass responses to certain of the interrogatories it received from the CRTC, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies), and the Consumers Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (collectively, the Consumer Groups) on August 8, 2006.
Document: - 61KO

2006-09-06 - MTS Allstream Inc.

Description: Pursuant to paragraph 35 of the above-noted public notice, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) submits interrogatory responses to the following parties:
Document: - 1,815KO

2006-09-06 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in paragraph 35 of PN 2006-5, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) provide responses to interrogatories received from the Commission and interested parties.
Document: - 2,543KO

2006-09-06 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers’ Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) in this proceeding is pleased to enclose, in accordance with paragraph 35 of the above-noted Public Notice, the Consumer Groups’ Answers to Interrogatories.
Document: (révisé) - 17,114KO - - 2,155KO

2006-09-06 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS") herewith files its responses to interrogatories received from the Commission and other parties on 8 August 2006.
Document: - 466KO

2006-09-06 - Cogeco Cable Inc., Quebecor Media Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in PN 2006-5, Cogeco Cable Inc.(Cogeco), Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI), Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) and Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) (collectively, the Competitors) are filing herewith through e-pass responses to the interrogatories received from the CRTC, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies), and the Consumers Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization (collectively, the Consumer Groups) on August 8, 2006.
Document: 662976zip - 211KB

2006-09-06 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission in PN 2006-5, please find attached the responses of Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) to the Commission's Interrogatories 1202, 1203 and 1204. Document: - 41KO

2006-07-10 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS herewith files its comments and responses to interrogatories in accordance with the procedure established by the Commission in PN 2006-5
Document: - 77KO

2006-07-10 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: In accordance with the procedures outlined at paragraphs 32 and 33 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5 (PN 2006-5), Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are filing their evidence and responses to the Commission interrogatories received 24 May 2006
Document: - 2182KO

2006-07-10 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures set out in paragraph 32 of PN 2006-5, MTS Allstream submits responses to the following interrogatories.
Document: - 228KO (révisé)

2006-07-10 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) notes that it is a party to the submission prepared and submitted by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada and SaskTel (collectively, the Companies) on matters within the scope of this proceeding
Document: - 46KO

2006-07-10 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in paragraph 32 of PN 2006-5, attached are the responses of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant or the Partnership) to the following interrogatories.
Document: - 90KO

Section 6 - Pièces et répliques aux questions soulevées lors de l'audience publique (Documents reçus à l'audience publique)

2006-11-06 - Telus Communications Company (TCC)
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) is herewith filing its response to CRTC Undertaking #12. TELUS will refer to this response as TELUS Undertaking #5.
Document: - 18KO

2006-10-31 - Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of a letter from Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw) dated 30 October 2006 wherein Shaw provides its responses to various undertakings, including its response to Shaw( CRTC )13Oct06-14 Telecom PN CRTC 2006-5.
Document: 685445.doc - 110KO

2006-10-30 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: In the course of the Competitor's testimony at the Oral Hearing phase of the Price Cap proceeding, the Commission and TELUS sought the company's undertaking to provide information respecting the following:
Document: - 196KO

2006-10-26 - Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission in the above noted proceeding, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are filing their responses to CRTC Undertaking No. 13 regarding price cap parameters in The Companies Exhibit # 17.
Document: - 68KO

2006-10-26 - MTS Allstream Inc.

Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) hereby submits its responses to the following undertakings.
Document: - 72KO

2006-10-26 - Québecor Média Inc.

Description: QMI, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary Videotron Ltd., is pleased to provide the enclosed responses to undertakings in the proceeding initiated by PN 2006-5.
Document: - 281KO

2006-10-26 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS") herewith files its response to Undertaking #11 from the Commission. TELUS will refer to this response as TELUS Undertaking #4.
Document: - 35KO

2006-10-26 – Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable inc. (Cogeco) is providing the following responses to undertakings made during the Oral Hearing.
Document: – 582KO

2006-10-25 – Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission in the above-noted proceeding, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) are filing the following responses to undertakings:
Document: - 147KO

2006-10-24 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: On 23 October 2006 , Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel or the Company) filed its responses to undertakings as requested by the Commission in the above-noted proceeding.
Document: - 34KO

2006-10-23 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel
Description: In accordance with the Commission's letter of 27 September 2006 (Revised), Organization and conduct of the oral hearing, pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 2006-5, Review of price cap framework , Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) is filing its responses to undertakings as requested by the Commission.
Document: - 56KO

2006-10-20 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) is counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) with respect to the above-noted proceeding.
Document: - 116KO

2006-10-13 - Bell Canada
Description: Exhibit #1
Document: 681665.pdf - 45KO

2006-10-12 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Exhibits #1 to #3
Document: - 728KO

2006-10-12 - BC Public Interest Advocacy Center (BCOAPO et al)
Description: Exhibits #1 and #2
Document: - 205KO

2006-10-10 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Exhibits #1 to #17
Document: - 15,351KO

2006-10-10 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Exhibits #1 to #4
Document: - 2,179KO

2006-10-10- Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Exhibits #1 to #14
Document: - 3,982KO

Section 8a) Frais

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Section 8b) Autres

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Mise à jour : 2006-11-08

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